[WEEKLY THREAD] Feats of Thorsday! Share your achievements with us! Don't be shy!

@getupjohnnyboy After two+months of not doing any olympic lifts, I repeated my previous best double clean (52kg/115lbs) and it was WAY easier this time. Road to consistent body weight cleans, fuck yeah.
@getupjohnnyboy Last September I had surgery to repair a torn tendon in my foot. I tore this training for a half, ran said half and then 5-6 more races of varying lengths before finally seeing a doctor. The tear was pretty significant by this point and required a long time non-weight bearing and months of PT just to learn how to walk again. I received the okay from the surgeon to resume running in March. Even though I was physically healed, I'm still not quite mentally healed and get nervous at any discomfort. Last night I went running with the husband and had pain on the first step. I pushed through it, ran the route we planned and had the best mi/min time I've ever had. It is hard "only" running a little over a mile when a short run used to be 6 miles but I'm getting there, I hope!
@getupjohnnyboy Today I benched 3x5 of 60lbs even though I skipped my last scheduled bench workout (the time before that I benched 55 lbs), but I thought fuck it I'm trying to up the weight anyway. And it worked! I'm really happy my upper body is starting to progress now after a few weeks of struggling to get past 50, but the past 2 workouts I've added 5 pounds to both my bench and OHP each time. I guess maybe my protein shakes are doing something.

Also today I reached 3 digits for the first time ever - DLed 1x5 of 100 lbs.

It's hard to believe that literally 4 weeks ago I could barely bench 45 and my DL was 60.
@getupjohnnyboy I bought ~10 Quest protein bars in almost every flavor GNC offered last week to see if any of them actually tasted good. Every single one (except for the chocolate brownie one) was absolutely disgusting and today I finally ate the very last bar (cookie dough), which was the BEST protein bar I have ever eaten (EVER). I am still a little in shock. I guess that's an achievement...?
@getupjohnnyboy My barbell rows have increased by 20 lbs in 2 and a half weeks. Squats, deadlifts, and bench presses by 10 lbs. Sadly my overhead presses are still where they were at the beginning but I'm getting real close to increasing the weight on those too.
@getupjohnnyboy When I do them I either wear a weight vest or put a plate (or a willing friend) on my back. I love them. After a minute or two of planking I get bored, but with weighted ones you get a solid burn in less time :3
@getupjohnnyboy I finally managed to squat with good form! I struggled the last few weeks because my wrist were always hurting and I just knew something was off. I reduced the weight (40kg - 88 lbs) but I got a impressed look and a thumbs up from a guy at the gym. Made my day!
@getupjohnnyboy I have so far put in three workouts since Monday, after weeks of half-assing it and feeling like a lazy slob.

Also, I deadlifted one pound less than my bodyweight for five reps yesterday!
@getupjohnnyboy After avoiding running like the plague for my entire life, I ran 3.5 miles this past Tuesday! I can't lift anymore (or at least for a long while) due to injuries so I've been trying to get into running/bodyweight stuff. Glad to see I'm not a total fuckup at it :D
@getupjohnnyboy Not quite a feat of Thorsday, as I've not been yet, but it's a big deal to me- I've been ok'd to go back to the gym after a car crash 5 months ago. I can lift again!!!

Edit: just went for a run to the outdoor gym near me. Life is good, if a little slower/more out of breath than it once was.
@getupjohnnyboy After struggling/failing to get back on track, I got involved with a fitness group/online trainer. I've followed the plan and....

Lost 15% of the weight I want to

Got a handle on my IBS issues (no flare ups for a week!)

Fit into my skinny jeans (no muffin tops)

Said no to beer

I'm feeling like a beast again :)