3 Things I learned walking 100,000 steps (48 miles!) in a single day, plus tips on long-distance walking:

@titine The last bit was difficult. I kept thinking, “Damn. I still have this much left?” but the last 1,500 steps or so, I was feeling like I was a god and felt almost high?

I feel surprisingly good today. My feet are swollen but that’s it. I’m tired but ready to do an evening walk. I think tomorrow will suck. It’s usually day two that things hit me.
@mary77 Damn, that’s genius. If I had friends, I would’ve had someone recording my last steps with this song. It would’ve been beautiful!
@katty143 not gonna lie. i thought you said "my neighbour is quite large and a few laps around is time consuming" and i was like WHERE DID THIS SAVAGERY COME FROM????
@katty143 Woah.... I once walked 60k steps in the mountains during a hike but I had no choice but to reach destination to find a place to sleep... To chose to walk around to and from home, go to stores, walk kids to school.... This is unbelievable. You have some strong ass psyche. I'm so impressed!
@katty143 I’ve thought about doing this before, fitbit has badges you get for walking a certain number of steps in a day and 100,000 is the highest one.
@mustangsvo My thoughts too. I don't think it would be possible for me to find a route locally that only gained 82 floors for 100k steps. I can't think of any streets that don't have some kind of incline to them.
@mustangsvo Right?! I stayed as flat as possible, mostly walking around town on flat sidewalks. Some of the trails I did had a little uphill, as does my neighborhood.

I noticed it quite a bit when there was any incline or decline and my body was not happy with it so I stayed flat where I could.

I'm in North Western Washington, which has options for both flat and not so flat walking.
@katty143 Yeah, aiming for flat routes when you're walking that much was probably a good idea! I think my floor record is 400 in a day and my legs were dead, I couldn't have done 100k steps as well!
@katty143 I recently did a 50km, started walking at 7am and finished at 6pm. It came to a total of 64221 steps. Training for 100km walk in a couple of months. Love all your advice, also don’t drink too many electrolytes, too much and you will spew!