A guy yelled at me at the gym

@theholyorder Oh gosh! I’m sorry too! That really sucks, because people are supposed to be supportive of one another in the gym. Unfortunately, people lead with their egos sometimes
@mark1 It’s so worth it. For some reason public gyms are full of people with some of the worst personalities on the planet. Like worse than people in prison, LOL
@mark1 You handled that really well. Glad you know you were in the right and this man beyond insane. That shit drives me crazy because that interaction is exactly what so many people are afraid of who are new to the gym.
@mark1 A dick and an ass. I don’t know if someone of these guys are taking performance enhancing drugs or are just that rude. Never had someone scream like that at me. Most people are respectable.
@mark1 Next time tell him, if he is not around that machine or hes stuff is not on it then it is a free machine. Put your earphones back on and finish your sets.
@mark1 Sorry that happened. Actually not cool. I have had some weird experiences also. I just stay to myself when I go to the gym. Get in the zone and stay.
@mark1 That guy sounds like a fucking asshole. Dumb. Dumb should have left a towel or something on the machine to let people know he was using it. He yelled and screamed? What a douchebag. Another tough guy. He should have probably said. Let me know when you're finished so I can finish my set
@kelsa99 Exactly! Or even if he said “I was actually using this machine” instead of “are you gonna let me finish?” Would’ve changed everything. He was looking for a fight smh. I think a lot of ppl are like this
@mark1 I just want to rant here. I go to a very nice gym. However, then I see the young people with their backpack tying up the squat rack for about 45 minutes where they do one set every 5 minutes or so and spend time on their phone. Drives me nuts. You should not have to spend 45 minutes at the squat rack. Get your exercise done and get the fuck off
@mark1 I’m kinda annoyed by people doing supersets, but I also understand why they do them. Yelling is not the way. I like to actually make friends with people I’ll probably end up running into again!
@technetium Right?! I love gym culture! And to be fair, mostly everyone I encounter in the gym is nice and respectful. I would be so embarrassed if I acted like an ass to someone (like that guy) and have to see that same person at the gym over and over
@mark1 well it's usually bothersome to not get up from the seat in a crowded gym (ofc it's ok if the gym has plenty of space or is pretty empty), as someone will probably want to use the machine too

but still, the guy is a dumbass