Banned from gym for bringing a guest

@carollu That owner can fuck off. There are plenty of other 24/7 options available. Also he'll be making less money every month for banning a loyal customer.
@carollu He's probably trying to cover himself for legal reasons. If your guest files a lawsuit for some kind of injury he sustained after hours, the police report would document that the guests wasn't welcome.
@carollu Yeah dude, sneaking someone into a gym is basically theft as well as opening them up to a lawsuit. He may have overreacted by yelling and threatening the cops but if I was a gym owner I’d revoke a membership for this as well. Learning experience I suppose.
@dawn16 Yea I mean I get the liability part of it but I wasn’t doing anything malicious. I actually see the owner fairly frequently working out late night the same time I’m there. If he had been there that night I would’ve just walked in same as if he wasn’t- meaning I wasn’t trying to sneak my friend in, I was just bringing him along and didn’t think it was a big deal. It was my screw up though.
@ardnasselal Yea he said if I would have called him prior to the visit that it would’ve been a different story. But, then he proceeded to go off the deep end when I asked him if he was serious about terminating my membership and calling the cops. I sort of chuckled out of awkwardness and disbelief and he says “ do you think this is funny?”. Wtf
@carollu Fuck that gym I work at a 24 hour gym and it's not a big deal ESPECIALLY if you've been there for two years. If I notice it keeps happening I'll just say hey you can't do that anymore. Never needed to go further. Whoever that owner is doesn't respect his members since that's his go to approach. Lol leave a bad review (we hate that) and find a place that doesn't have their panties in a bunch. I hope it wasnt Anytine Fitness
@jeanasmall because it's so damned easy to sue people here. and even if the lawsuit has little merit, you still incur costs, sometimes life ruining, to defend yourself. it's really created a culture that is terrified of a lawsuit more than anything else. it sucks.
@dawn16 The Netherlands. I would definitely not consider that a third world country. Every other first world country has way better systems in place to deal with liability than the US.
@dawn16 An example regarding liability That I always heard in college was an American lawsuit in which a woman put her cat in the microwave/oven to dry its hair. The cat died and she sued the company for not informing her she couldnt use it like that.

If you do anything like that here, you are the one facing charges for animal abuse because it is considered common sense.
I was banned from my gym for bringing in a guest after hours

Bro, that's called theft and trespassing. It's not tolerated because, well duh, it's illegal.

You should be thankful the owner didn't call the cops while you came in the next day or whenever and call in the cops to have you arrested. I assume this place has cameras around and could easily have pressed charges with said evidence, along with you workout pal. I dont see why youre not thankful that didnt happen. Next time read the contract and exercise common sense, you wouldnt want someone free loading and trespassing if you put in your own money to start a gym would you?

Edit: I would personally would have called the cops on you. Also your workout pal probably didn't sign a waiver which means he's a liability and set the owner for a potential lawsuit.

People are also using the showers, and toilets etc

There was a gym I knew about where all the members had access code to a 24/7 and were giving the code away. He expressed his concerns online and called it theft. He later implemented a key system to reduce said crimes.