Banned from gym for bringing a guest

@dawn16 It’s not stealing at all? Read carefully. He said he has a premium membership with guest privileges. Aka he pays more monthly for those privileges. The gym makes more money off him then your average membership even after u factor in the occasional guests they bring.
Sounds like he let someone in through a locked door who didn't have a key. That's kind of a big deal.
@bobezeh The original post he does not say he has premium membership or guest privileges... this may be in a comment but I haven't read them all.
  1. He wasn’t trespassing because its an open gym and he went through the front door without using force. I assume he didnt climb a window or anything to get in, right?
  2. Cut your losses and move on.
@billybtennessee You don’t need to climb a fence or get over any barrier to be trespassing, you simply have to be unauthorised to access the area, so the owner could probably claim that but I doubt the dude would ever be charged.

That being said, this is 24hr gym 101. You can’t bring guests because they’re unidentified people. May appear like an overreaction but people need to be deterred somehow.
@princessellamicky I have no reason to lie about a gym experience. Brought a friend after staffed hours one time and was banned and threatened with a trespassing charge. That’s why it’s so insane..
@carollu Send him an email in a couple days when he's had time to cool down. Start off by apologizing again. Tell him that you're a big fan of the gym he's built. Tell him that you were excited to show the gym to a buddy who was thinking about coming over there from a competitor.

Explain that you've used your free guests before (better make sure this is actually part of the contract first...), and you and your guests have always handled this responsibility and privilege with respect. Unfortunately, this one time, you made a mistake and forgot that guests are only allowed during staffed hours.

You understand the additional liability that your mistake caused the owner and his gym as well as the disrespect caused by breaking the gym's rules. You apologize once again, and if the owner is willing to reinstate your membership, you'd be happy to come back and your friend will likely sign up, too. End.

Sure, this is kinda ass-kissy, but I'm assuming you picked this gym because you like it. If that's the case, it's worth a little ass-kissing to stay there. Plus, you did fuck up. You didn't do intentionally, but it's a fuck-up nonetheless. Take responsibility for that.

Good luck, buddy.
You get it. I was just trying to workout with a friend

You should have went in the legal hours with your friend who almost had you both arrested. Tell him you forgot the hours and apologize, don't delay it or it wil reduce you chances or becoming a member again

You're lucky he didn't set up a sting operation in your returning visit with the cops outside waiting with cuffs