Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

@meistfx Bootstrap or Skeleton. And more semantic HTML and CSS and fewer images. There's no need to have a bunch of images when you could make it more accessible with plain old HTML.
@wildcatjim2014 awesome. I've already been usin' this Subreddit as a reason to get people turned on to Reddit (or, at least, away from the anti-productive Subreddits -- I'M LOOKING AT YOU, /R/AWW)...but now I'm pretty much just gonna point 'em towards this right 'ere.
@wildcatjim2014 So there's...
  • Warmups
  • Skill work
  • Strength work that includes...
    • Pushing
    • Pulling
    • Legs
When I used to go to a gym, I used to split up my exercises at the gym by muscle groups (triceps & chest one day, biceps & core the next, etc)...

In the guide it says to include a couple exercises from each of the strength work and rotate them. Does this mean rotate them on the same day or alternate days?

I would ideally want to split the muscle groups again using bodyweight exercises, but in the guide it says to include some pushing and pulling and leg exercise each time. If I wanted to split my workouts 3 times a week, should I do all pulling exercises one day, pushing another and legs another?

I'm new to BWF so any guidance is appreciated.
@fromgenesistorevelation Hey there. If you have any questions, it's probably best to make a new thread.

In the guide it says to include a couple exercises from each of the strength work and rotate them. Does this mean rotate them on the same day or alternate days?

One workout will include one exercise from each group (except for the warmup).

I would ideally want to split the muscle groups again using bodyweight exercises, but in the guide it says to include some pushing and pulling and leg exercise each time. If I wanted to split my workouts 3 times a week, should I do all pulling exercises one day, pushing another and legs another?

I don't think that's a good idea. You see, you get better at what you practice a lot, and if you do a full body routine each time, you get three times the practice you would get by doing a split. This makes you stronger, and additionally provides a larger stimulus for hypertrophy. You were meant to move, so move.

Also, read this. Training movements rather than muscles is often more effective.
@aywo Does this mean that you think it is more or less always a bad idea to target specific groups in a session. I have found that if i focus on chest based exercises on one day, back another, chest another and legs another (with a small amount of overlap, it's pretty hard to stimulate the chest without the shoulders) I am able to effectively do more sessions? Is this a waste of time for me? Training mostly hypertrophy.