Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

I am able to effectively do more sessions?

Yes, you can do more sessions. However, on a per-bodypart basis, the frequency will still be lower compared to doing a full body routine. So while you think you are doing more sessions, you really aren't because each bodypart is only hit once every three sessions. And even at 6 sessions a week, that's less than the 3 sessions a week you have normally.

Does that make sense?
@wildcatjim2014 Some of the youtube links are down, like almost all of the bodyline drills. Plank, arch, hollow and "reverse plank"/fish. Other videos could also be down, but just letting you know.
@wildcatjim2014 I've been able to do 3x8 L-sit pullups for sometime, and as this chart states the next progression is a Pullover.

My question is - why is the Pullover the next progression? What are its benefits? Will it take me that much closer to achieving a muscle-up?
Will it take me that much closer to achieving a muscle-up?

I started doing pull overs way before I could do a L-sit pull up, so I found that progression a bit odd too. I don't think it makes you better at achieving a muscle up, but it definitely does work your core in a new and fun way!