First show in the books! Looking for feedback


New member
24 years old, 5'9 / 177cm. Former fat powerlifter, got injured, gave bodybuilding a stab.

Start of prep, February 2023, 177 lbs

Various pics 2 weeks out to show day in no particular order, 147-151 lbs

Show day

I competed in two shows, each 1 week apart. Placed first in Debut A, 2nd in Novice, and 4th in Open A for my first show. Placed 4th in Open B for my second show.

Any suggestions/critiques? I'm planning on taking a 2+ year offseason to build more muscle, so I can go for my natty pro card next round. In my opinion my back needs a lot of work -- I got smoked from the back. Also just more size overall, especially in the arms. You can see here, going from 177 to 150, my arms basically disintegrated. All constructive feedback appreciated.
@clintmurphy72 Really good showing for your first comp. You already know what you need, overall size, but most of all back width and thickness. I would throw arms and rear delts in there as well. A 2+ year off season is a good idea.

Your back pose needs some work as well. Looking slightly upward will make the traps appear a little thicker. Move your forearms out a bit so your hands land approximately in line with your elbows, maybe only slightly narrower.
@clintmurphy72 Great work man! You should be proud of that showing. It takes a lot of effort to get to stage ready conditioning and leanness, and it's brutal as a natural competitor.

Overall, I think that you came in really well conditioned, but your size held you back for sure. I'm not sure if you peaked early, cut too hard, were depleted on stage, etc., but you didn't have enough mass to place in the top 3.

If you plan to compete in men's physique again, I'd really work on adding size across your back and improve your overall thickness. More size and thickness in the pecs would be a good target as well. You may also want to build up those delts, tris, and bis so that they really pop on stage.

Otherwise, you showed really well for your first shows. Congratulations.
@moni079 Thanks for the feedback man. Yeah, I got a DEXA scan 1 week out, and it said I have 138 lbs of lean mass. I think that really showed on stage: I look frail, gaunt, and overall pretty thin and stringy, despite being conditioned and peaked. Time for a big off season.
@clintmurphy72 Looking great bro. You have a bright future ahead. I think your shoulders are your strong point. I would focus on chest and back thickness. Keep up the good work!
@minilla Worked with a coach, calories tapered from 2700 at start to 1500-1600 towards the end of the cut. Cardio was 10-15k steps a day. Everything was manageable up until 8ish weeks out. I stopped going out, hanging out with friends, hangry 24/7, no libido, lifting sucked and felt like a chore, etc. I was in the trenches fr