Sunday Show Off - Bodyweight + Bodyweight Edition

@nickr I worked one of those stands once (for National guard not Marines) and we had a guy get 87 pull-ups. Motherfuckin 87. It was unreal. He and I went to the same college and I saw him at the gym every time I went and I swear he lives there. We couldn't believe it. All the recruiters at every military stand nearby swarmed him like vultures. And he was upset that he didn't get 100 like he did last year. Like dude calm down, it's all good. Then we had a little 10 year old girl come up and whip out 34 like she does it every day. I asked her if she was a gymnast. She said nope and just skipped away. Didn't want a tshirt or a backpack or anything. Just wanted to do some pull-ups I guess. We were all like "shit this is our job and we just got beat by a little adorable 10 year old girl."
@davecb Some notable highlights from this weeks training:
  • I don't always do ice cream makers (demo by ryanford), but when I do, I can only do like 1-3 reps before my form turns to shit. But this week, I was able to do FOUR IN A ROW with the most perfect form I've ever experienced (zero piking whatsoever and locking the arms straight out perfectly each time). The key was to pull up and bring your chin over the bar, and now, before you go into the front lever, SQUEEZE THE INNER THIGHS/QUADS TOGETHER LIKE MAD (and the glutes, and point the toes and all that, but it was the inner thighs rolling inward together like insane that helped lock everything together), and with all that locked in place, now do the ice cream makers.
  • Something that I've been playing with randomly this year are air baby extensions (demo by ido portal) and I remember when I first started, I could barely lift my knee off my arm, but slowly those centimeters became more... and this week I was able to do two solid reps on each leg, extending my leg completely straight up AND HOLDING IT STEADY each time in that extended position, which is the hardest part for me. I never had that ability to hold it steady in that position before! It was always more of a "go there for a brief moment and quickly tuck it back in" type motion.
@davecb Good things this week:

Adding at least one rep to everything. Last week's chin-up count was 4 x 6s negatives (4, 4, 2), this week was 6, 6, 4. Similarly with dips: last week it 3 x 3, Friday night I managed 5, 5, 2.

I also got my one foot supported L-sit to 20s up from under 15s.

Edit: I got a stick that bridges the only gap in my house, so I can soon start rows after months of not being able to do them. I just need to do some DIY to fix them in place and I can work on rows too. YEAH BOYEEEE.

Bad things this week:

beginning box pistols. I'm dropping down maybe less than a foot, and my balance is all over the place. It messes with my rhythm and means the weight isn't always being lifted on my heel. It's also hard to imagine having a straight back anytime soon as long as I'm on one leg.

L-sit: very hard to keep a leg high up off the ground.

Chins: weeks ago I could do three dead hang chin-ups. Despite my improvement in negatives, I can't actually do one chin up anymore. It sucks.
@davecb Newcomer here.

Not the craziest achievement but I've been doing the beginner routine for about 2 weeks and just set up a spreadsheet to track my progress. I've been doing molding mobility every morning and stretching twice a day and I'm feeling really limber and pumped to keep working out.

Thanks for all the inspiration guys!
@davecb Had a solid improvement on my tuck planche.

At the beggining my shoulders would explode in pain as soon as I got into position. Now, after a few weeks doing planche leans and such, I'm able to hold a tuck planche for around 10 seconds.

I feel my shoulders greatly improved.
@davecb No video today for me, but in the l sit challenge, I've ended up gravitating towards the scapula retracted l sit practice. A little humbling since it feels like I'm taking a huge step back (30s 'normal' L sit to a pretty tentative 10s tuck) but it's been great for my back. My upper back has always lagged behind, but now I'm really feeling it engage in other movements too in a way it didn't used to, so big progress there. Not sure if I'll get back to proper v sit training at all this challenge, but I'm Definitely keeping the retracted L sit work in, such as it is.
@willy_b That's awesome man... I know it's an incredibly difficult move to hold, and because it's challenging, I know it's something I want to badly tackle as well. It will probably help dramatically with anything else that require scapular retraction (read: front levers).
@fromgenesistorevelation Haha, yeah... front levers are way behind everything else for me. With proper form, I've practically got as Solid of a straddle back lever as I do a tuck front lever, and my tuck front lever doesn't feel any stronger than my tuck planche. Probably speaks to a chest/upper back (or protraction/retraction) imbalance I should continue working to correct, but interesting how far behind I seem to be there. Ah well, progress!
@davecb I got my first muscle up on Friday! And it was a strict muscle up too, with a false grip and no kipping!

There's still plenty of stuff I need to work on though like the transition and the top position with rings turned out.