Sunday Show Off - Where you're a baus if you even say you started the beginner routine!

@groo101 I'm working on 'Human Flag on a Rope' - the horizontal part is come along OK, but the arm-extension push-out needs work! As you all know - it's a gradual progression!

Pls feel free to critique my form!

@yuliza Thanks bro - cheers!
As you grab with both hands your hips will naturally 'move' toward the rope - but that's fine - just focus on staying horizontal and holding it!

It's not really 'harder' than flag on a pole - but definitely 'weirder'! Just takes time to get used to the movement/twist/flop of the rope - but you will get it!!! You can hang a long towel or even a short gym rope from a pull up bar - you don't need much 'hang zone' - baik?

@groo101 Finally making some progress on one arm pull/chins and made it to the bottom of my towel for one rep! Going to start doing these for reps higher up the towel now and may start greasing the groove for faster progress.

Does anyone know if it's wise to do all four setups for this or should I stick with just the pulls or the chins for the sake of my elbows haha? Kind of confused on where to go.
@callmeotis Hey bro - begin to HOLD at the top of the movement as long as you can - and then come down very slowly - and then hold at half -way (elbow at right angle) - you will get it!!!
@callmeotis Do the holds each time you do OAP/C training - e.g. - do your regular set of towel OAP - then a set of 'holds' - then alternate! It should be safe -as when you run out of 'power', you just slowly come down...

But each session - try to hod for longer - even if it's a spilt second - it all counts!!!
@michaelphemo Ohhhh gotcha as assistance then! Thank you man, I really appreciate it. Really hope to get these comfortably by the end of the year haha, been a goal for a long time. I'll keep you posted on progress dude! Thanks :)
@groo101 Well I have been doing tons of pull ups since about August, last time I maxed out I hit 28, and for the past couple months I've been doing some weighted sets with a 20 lb dumbell held up by my lower legs, usually just about 8-15 depending on how I'm feeling. Last night, I decided to just see if it was possible for me to do any pull ups with +40 lbs, and I did 5 full perfect form pull ups, all the way down and all the way up. I now no longer know what to do since I cannot add any more weight, so realistically I am just totally ditching unweighted pull ups, 100%. 8 lb minimum from now on, with a lot of work with the 20 lbs. Eventually, the final goal will always be the one armed pull up, but before that I really want to be able to do a muscle up within the next 4 weeks. My explosive pull ups are really explosive I guess, I just cant get over the top. I am hoping adding this weight to my pull ups will help me in that respect, and we'll see. Honestly I think I could probably do a muscle up on rings, but there are none available for me and I dont need them really. Now, dont think I'm ripped or anything, I'm 16 and 5'9 or 5'10 depending on who is asking and I weigh sub 125. My main goal with bwf was to gain weight, and I have been, but not at a rate I hoped for. All you people out there, if you set a goal, really go for it. I've also been working on trying to get 100 consecutive push ups and I've used 2 different programs, but they both got to the point that they are just getting very difficult and my form isnt holding up, so i've been taking breaks with that. If anybody has a push up progression regime that they have had success with, tell me about it. I dont need it done in like 6 weeks or whatever, if it has to take 8-12, I have the time, I dont care. Thanks everyone who read this, without football on sundays I dont have anything better to do than browse reddit, and this used up some time for me.
@ren1988 How the hell are you able to do 28 pullups? Are you just really light or really skinny strong? At first I thought you were hella ripped and then I saw "sub 125lb" and my jaw dropped.
@iwaskingonce I am healthily weighing 115 pounds, and I have been doing a shit load of pull ups since august. I started out being able to do 10 (probably bad form) pull ups, so I didnt start from nothing. Weighing very little helps a lot, as when I add 40 pounds my limit drops by 1/3rd. I figure if/when I can do 20 pull ups with 40 pounds added, then my max with no extra weight should be quite a few reps above 28, so thats what I am working on currently. Im just 16 and have those puberty growth hormones doing their thing I guess, I dont take any supplements or anything, I just try to drink a lot of milk and i really do try to eat as often and as much as possible. Idk what else to say, I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary. I dont really have much muscle on my legs, so i guess that helps with my pull ups. I also do all sorts of pull ups, wide grip, narrow grip, normal grip, chin ups, narrow grip chin ups, i try to do a lot of reps of all of those when I work out, along with dips and L-sits on the dips thing. I never messed with the beginners routine because I felt I was ahead enough to just do my own thing. I saw some 17 year old's progress from 15 and a half to 17, and that was ridiculously impressive(he was very dedicated though and started out better than I, but still he was doing one armed pull ups and muscle ups like they were nothing, that was very important to me, because if he could do it, whats stopping me?) So yeah. I wouldnt say I am very strong, because im not dealing with a lot of weight, but what I can do with what I have is pretty impressive I think.
@ren1988 Hella impressive but yeah being lighter definitely helps when it comes to bodyweight exercises. I'm same age and have been doing BWF for a few months, 160 lbs and stuck at 15 chins unweighted, 24lb weighted and I can also barely scrape a muscle-up. Downside of doing legs is less pullups I guess?

Would you say that you have much upper body muscle mass or is it solely just being light and strong?