IMO, the sub name has to be changed. 90% of the posts here are in the wrong sub


New member
Tagging you @deborah123 because I know you’re a mod here and quite active.

Over the past months I have noticed that most posts here are not even related to bodyweightfitness due to the fact that people misinterpret the name. A lot of them ask about losing weight (or other non exclusive topics) for example, which does not belong here. On the other hand if I make a post related to calisthenics (for example I made a post about my Full Planche, asking detailed questions a while ago) it gets deleted and I am told to post in the discussion thread, which is kind of pointless because you will never get the same engagement of users and multiple opinions compared to making your own post.

I don’t know if this is seen as an issue for those strictly committed to calisthenics here, but if it is, a way to fix it in my opinion would be to rename the sub to something more specific, e.g. „calisthenics“.
@marvin54 A huge part of the problem is that he regular fitness sub basically doesn't let anyone make new posts anymore. Scroll back for a full year and you can count on one hand the number of posts that aren't regularly scheduled daily/weekly/monthly threads. People are totally unwilling to settle for posting in a Daily Questions thread for exactly the reason you state.
@alephnull .... right, you can say that about any of the off topic posts we're seeing. They all have a specific sub thats better than here. But people are starting off looking through the regular fitness subreddit where they should be able to talk about anything and everything fitness related, seeing they can't post there at all, and then ending up here for whatever reason. We could have "weight loss posts belong in /r/loseit" plastered everywhere so someone should see it five times before they even consider posting here, and those posts will still end up here because people don't read.
@xeonome People do read, they just don't care because they get answers anyway. Albeit with bad advice or wrong info a lot of the time.

If no one answers their questions and they get downvoted to oblivion, they'd probably go away.

They'd probably get better answers on the regular fitness sub if they used the search function and spent some time reading. But they're lazy and want to be spoon fed. So they deserve to get bad advice.
@alephnull Yeah, only the losit sub became a feel good sub on which anyone who dares to say that one needs to eat a bit less to lose weight is instantly downvoted. No practical real world advice could be given or taken there any more.
@ggg17 yea that annoys me as well.
do you know of any better subs?
the loseit wiki is great
but what i was also looking for is real world hints/hacks

eg 'closing' your meal with a fruit, brushing teeth etc to stop continuing to snack..

(not saying they work for everyone, but just having a list to browse..ideally with votes)
@alephnull No, I totally switched my diet so the only relevant for me is r/WFPB sub.

My engineering background thought me if in trouble always go back to fundamentals.

So first i noticed we all focus to much on macro nutrients while we can feel hungry for micro nutrients, which we regularly don't get enough in our calorie dense foods. You won't stop eating until you get that particular micronutrient in sufficient quantity. And that's the difficult part.

To make things worse even if one eats "healthy food" it may not be healthy at all. For example a tomato grown in NPP hydroponic fluid has only three minerals dissolved in water from which it grows into a plant, but missing all other minerals that it would have if grown in fields.

So I methodically came up with a diet that simplified my life, lost weight to my end of the high school weight, got rid of metformin, cholesterol and BP medications and at 60 feel like I am less than 40.

This is so out of topic for this sub.
@ggg17 Here's a sneak peek of /r/wfpb using the top posts of the year!

#1: Oh, dip. | 3 comments

#2: Got My Blood Test Results Back

#3: Researchers develop a "space salad" perfected suited for astronauts on long-durations spaceflights. The salad has seven ingredients (soybeans, poppy seeds, barley, kale, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and sweet potatoes) that can be grown on spacecraft and fulfill all the nutritional needs of astronauts. | 3 comments

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@xeonome I find r/fitness approach perfectly reasonable, almost all questions you have can be answered if you either read the wiki first or just use the search function because somebody else already had that question before

Just looking into this sub post history people just keep asking the same questions over and over again and most of the time they could answer themselves by just reading the sidebar

Imo mods should enforce stricter posting guidelines
@chonstance They literally NEVER have any other posts. If you honestly don’t find anything wrong with that, idk what to say to you because thats just insanity and boring as shit
@xeonome r/Fitness is 16 years old, what can you really post that hasn't been answered already either by another post or by the wiki and still high quality enough to deserve it's own post instead of going to simple question thread or by the more specialized related subs?
@chonstance Again, if I have to actually explain how completely insane it is that you cant make ANY new posts, then we are never going to get anywhere, you simply will refuse to understand.

But if you fucking insist

First of all, fitness changes! New science comes out all the time! It seems you can’t make posts about new science! If something was asked long enough ago, the answers could have easily changed, banning every question thats ever already been asked is stupid.

Second of all, it hasnt been the same people all sixteen years! The eyes on the page will also change over time, what might be old to one user can be new to another. Internet forums are largely populated by noobs regardless of the topic matter. Catering too much to the wide eyed noobs or the bored “experts” leads to exactly what we see. A sub on its death bed.
First of all, fitness changes! New science comes out all the time! It seems you can’t make posts about new science! If something was asked long enough ago, the answers could have easily changed, banning every question thats ever already been asked is stupid.

This simply isn't true. Science hasn't discovered anything revolutionary in fitness/exercise that applies to everyone who does it in ages. Yes, there's new science coming out all the time, but nothing coming out that says "Everyone who does this will benefit from it". Most of those studies simply aren't going to apply to the general population because there are too many individual differences between people.

The last thing you want to be doing is basing everything you do on the latest studies. This is the biggest newbie mistake people make on Reddit.

The answers to your questions today are the same answers you would have gotten 10 years ago. There have been no earth-shaking changes in this area.
@neptune4 “Full length partials” would have gotten you laughed out of any fitness forum just a couple years ago. When I started, there was HUGE stress on the timing of your protein, these days everyone says its not worth stressing over.

No, nothing is going to be revolutionary, its all going to be in the margins, but we’ve been working in the margins for decades already. Obviously not everything changes all the time, obviously some questions are too simple, but instead of actually moderating, they’ve just turned the sub into a soulless unhelpful place
@xeonome > If something was asked long enough ago, the answers could have easily changed

for example?

>A sub on its death bed

the daily thread have at least 400 comments a day on the lower end, doubt is really dying

also it doesn't matter if users change over time, the answers all still there, there is no point of doing a "is my routine good?" post for the 6th time in the day when you could read the wiki, an old post will give you the same benefits today as it did 10 years ago, fitness doesn't change all that much over time lol

>cant make ANY new posts

btw i do think is bad you can't even try to make a new post, what im trying to argue is that most of the time, what people would try to post is garbage anyway but i think they should let post go through if they are high quality enough, it has been a while since i frequented that sub but when i did people could posts
@chonstance I used to hang out on r/xxfitness which has largely gone the way of r/fitness, though not to the same extreme. An easy example over there was how people used to parrot 1-5 reps for strength, 8-12 for hypertrophy, and 15+ for endurance. That was practically fitness gospel several years ago and there wasn’t much nuance. I’d be surprised if you could find anyone talking about RPE or RIR on r/xxfitness 5+ years ago.

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