Is 100g protein enough to gain muscle compared to a higher amount?

@rukaria I did a quick scan and couldn't find anything related for people being overweight. I dare to see I'm beyond 200lbs/90kg, which means about 170 grams of protein. That's quite a lot and beyond reasonable..especially since I don't seriously work out hardcore.
@joshiwoshi The numbers get whacky for obese people so around 1g per cm of their height should be in the right ballpark.

170g isn't too much albeit in the higher end. Overweight people also have the "bonus" of extra fat storage so in reality their body could use that for energy and require lower amounts of protein.
170g isn't too much albeit in the higher end. Overweight people also have the "bonus" of extra fat storage so in reality their body could use that for energy and require lower amounts of protein.

are you trying to loose weight? you can always tailor your protein to your ideal weight instead. so if you're 200 now and want to loose 20 lbs look at the numbers for your 180 weight and shoot for that
@joshiwoshi Easy. Just blend up 11 Oz of chicken plus 4 Oz of whey powder. /s

This page says 0.54–0.68 g/lb which would put you at 108-136g. Very doable even on a caloric deficit. I don't know if you can build muscle in a caloric deficit though, I think not.

Edit: the first sentence was a joke
@ilki76 You can if you also have significant fat to lose, your body will pull from fat stores to supplement energy. So long as you’ve got adequate protein (1.2 to 2g per kg) you will see muscle gains. However, if the only goal is muscle gain, should eat about 500 calories over maintenance during a bulk.
@joshiwoshi Yeah I am about there and I found trying to get that much protein was just not possible without eating constantly and feeling horrible. I tried to supplement with protein shakes but too much protein powder gave me digestive problems. So I just gave up and ate as much protein as I felt like eating that day and still got gains I was very happy with.
@rukaria If we use papers from this century then the intakes for muscle growth are higher and the 1g/lbs is quite a good measurement.

Jeff Nippard has a nice video:
@aquaflower Whey is a glut on the market, it's a waste product of cheese-making, and the dairy industry is constantly trying to find ways to get rid of it. One of the more creative methods was to make white "wine" out of it.

I'm allergic to whey so I am very aware of the way it is used to buff up the protein levels of junk food.
@wantforum Whey isn't the only protein powder. Not really sure why you bring that out, probably because of the cows thing. There are way more dairy products, but if you're intolerant then that isn't great for you.

If you check out the video then there are plant based powders as well.