Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

@idk332 It blows my mind that people could “cut” at 3200 Cal’s. Meanwhile I’m here at 1500 Cal’s trying to cut and just feeling like garbage (6’ male)
@smm Gonna take a wild guess and say cutting at 1500cals at 6’ is probably why you’re feeling like shit. Can’t drive a car with no fuel bozo
@question10 Oh I totally get the low energy from being at a deficit. That’s a no brained. The struggle for me has been to make sense of my body’s caloric needs.
@smm Depending on how much you weigh you could probably be at a deficit at over 2000 cals. Use a calorie counter if you haven’t already.
@smm While 3200 is higher than normal 1500 is definitely way lower than you should have to go to drop weight. I'm 6'1" and have never gone below 2000-2200, even my morbidly obese clients I dont make go below 1600.

I would recommend 1) do more activity via cardio/steps/whatever 2) Get more accurate with you're tracking/measuring, if you think you are consuming 1500 kcal as a 6' male and not losing weight something does not add up even if you were laying in bed all day.
@smm Those numbers have essentially become only a slight deficit at this point. If I wanted to get show ready I usually have to approach 2k or a hair less.

I started this cut after eating 5k a day (plus some alcohol) for months in order to get to 221. 3200 was a strong deficit initially and comparatively.
@rainbowcookiemonster I have had contest preps that range from 40-50 weeks. 15 weeks for me is a blink of an eye.

This whole trend of declaring and categorizing what a mini cut is has been silly. For me, to sustain strength and cut without too much aggressiveness, this cut was easy and short term compared to what a contest prep looks like for me.
This whole trend of declaring and categorizing what a mini cut is has been silly

then why did you make a post declaring you did a mini cut and then continue to try define it here? lmao

just say what you want to say without all the preambles and meta talk, it just makes you look like you think you're the shit. that's all people are saying in this thread