My name is Brandon Wynn, Captain of the US Mens Gymnastics Senior National Team, AMA!


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Hey All! I am excited to chat with you today! A little bit about me. I am currently the mens U.S. National team captain. I have been on the nation team for 6 consecutive years and competed in two world championships. I won a medal on still rings in 2013 world championships and I am the second ever U.S. man to win a medal on Rings in a Worlds or Olympics! today lets chat about nutrition, supplements and and training. The use of supplements is a delicate and different process for athletes trying the maintain a lean, light body so my approach may be a bit unique. My website is and i have been using 1st Phorm supplements for a while now. i am sure there will be a lot of "why 1st Phorm?" questions and there are many reasons why i use them. I am trying to promote awareness of and get these guys on the map a bit more because they are the best. Also, for the month of April i am doing a PROMOTION. Anybody that makes a purchase on gets free shipping and enters a raffle to win a free 8 week training plan "Brandon Wynn style" for any goal you have. Basically, i build a plan exactly how i build my own plans using my exercises, techniques and ideas!
i look forward to answering some good questions!

See you at 10A.M. mount time(12 P.M. eastern)!

Since it is Easter, i am going to check in and answer questions throughout the day. My goal is to get you all the info you need so i will try to respond with brief, to the point replies. thanks!
@coppellia my favs are very basic.
1) handstand push-ups
2) straight body pulls( from a hang to inverted hang through a lever)
3) behind the head, wide arm pull ups.

The trick to to perform these exercises with perfect form and focus on the squeeze at the end of every movement.
@snowy123 What is in your opinion the best way to develop the full planche?

There are generally 2 different approaches available to the general fitness community. And this is really black and white:

The first method goes through teaching frog stands, tuck planche, open tuck and straddle planche to achieve the full planche, therefore teaching planche through true hand balancing exercises.

The second way is the utilization of the planche leans. Basically you lean further and further in different planche lean variations until your feet comes off the ground into the desired planche variation.

Please include all your considerations here. Thank you for coming here!
@valueofliving i think a strong combo of both is best! there are 2 things to consider when learning a complex skill like a planche:

1) it takes a lot of strength
2) there is a lot of mental work that needs to be done

strength wise everything you listed is dead on and i would structure both approaches in a progressive, consistent schedule.

the mental side of the skill is getting your brain to work with your muscles so the planche leans can help you learn how to apply the strength you have gained from the other exercises.
@snowy123 So I give it a try the Wynn-way here. Correct me if I am wrong:
  • Mental work: Corrective exercises, shoulder mobilization and basic preparatory exercises. I would put beginners on planks (bent and then straight) and then finally lean which here serves as mental work. This is the beginner phase before any "strength" work is done.
  • Strength work: I would add 2 sub categories to split the 2 approaches; skill work and strength work. Strength work will be through leaning further and further in the planche lean until one can basically lean into a slightly piked full planche. Skill work would be hand balancing elements where I would pick 1 according to the current level of strength of a person and let him hold it for 1-2 x 15-30s depending on the difficulty.
Compiling this strength work a sample routine would be:
  • 3 x 20-30s of planche (max) lean
  • 1-2 x 15-30s of tuck planche.
How does that sound to you?
@snowy123 Hi! I was wondering what kind of supplementary exercises you do for gymnastics, more specifically joint preparation. I find rings make my elbows hurt alot, any suggestions on what I could do to help with this?
@cowboyup GREAT question.
after my ring strength session i do these 6 exercises in a row for 2 rounds
1) rope climbs
2) leg lifts
3) p bar push ups
4) wide arm pull-ups ( behind the head)
5) straight body pulls
6)handstand pushups

these exercises keep my joints healthy and strong. Not too much of an overload after strength sessions. Just right
@snowy123 as a 6'6" guy what would you say are the practical limits of any gymnastic strength routine for me, and would you adjust any program for someone this tall or recommend the same stuff?
@kingsmen i would recommend the same training structure. That is the great thing about training to learn a skill. if that skill is your end goal that you need to accomplish, no matter the obstacles you need to train is a skill specific way if you want to learn the skill. Your limitations of your height will make it harder for you the obtain the pound for pound strength ratio of a smaller person. That being said, if you are pound for pound as strong as the rest of the little guys, there is no skill you cannot do.
@dawn16 my diet is pre planned and set according the workload phase i am in. Training wise:
wake up and do my knee rehab immediately(recovering from surgery on both of my knees)
eat breakfast

go to first training( basics and stretching)

come home and get to my school work( i am getting my masters in finance)

work on any additional work(working with 1st Phorm, building training and nutrition plans for clients etc.)

go to 2nd training

and come and finish up any other work

go to sleep and do it all again tomorrow :)

I structure 6-7 meals a day in there depending on my goals( weight gain or loss) or work phase
@snowy123 That's amazing. I love learning about the daily routines of world class athletes. The amount of discipline is insane, and definitely highest as compared to any other profession. Good luck for the next games, am sure to watch out for you! :)