
One year ago I posted on this subreddit that I hit a 105 pr and 15, I just recently hit 205 two days ago, trying to hit 225 soon. 😤

P.S does anyone have any recommendations for protein powders, been thinking about buying ekkovision berry cheesecake. Thoughts?
@mypreciousgift010210 Welp, it's been since forever that I've heard about progress of grinding that hard working out for someone's goals. There's an odd story I tell people of getting to be in 9th grade, something great happened like that to me back then. I was switching schools when I went into athletics from PE at the other, it was my 3rd and a half you could say year being in athletics, so when I started my group was the weak group, I was in the weak group like unable just to incline the bar, you know, 45lbs, except I used that opportunity of all my free time working out in the weightroom during athletics to just keep doing incline until that is, it was the end of the year and happened to have actually the highest incline bench in the weightroom, it went up to 165lbs 120lb difference 6 months later, and, nonetheless and needless to say, the weak group wasn't the weak group anymore they had to be there getting stronger or else the bar would have killed me probably. Although, at the time my incline bench was even higher than my bench, and at the end of the first 2 years in athletics it was actually finishing the year with about 140lbs both times, I couldn't put as much effort on bench as I did the other, incline was the only interesting time something like that ever happened to me.