r/bodyweightfitness, it has taken me quite a while to put together this infographic. I hope you find it useful!

@bonnieb This is great. I haven't been following the basic routine but have just been doing a routine of push ups/horizontal pulls/negative dips/negative pulls plus the mobility and some core exercises. ninja edit: this looks like I'm skipping leg day sorry, I am also doing squats.

TIL don't do push ups and dips in the same day... how big a deal is this - if I am just doing negative dips and slightly inclined push ups (I'm a beginner)
@chicagocyclist01 In the routine, he has two pulling movements (rows and pullups) and three pushing movements (pushups, dips, and handstand pushups). You should keep it balanced so that each workout the number of movements of push = pull.

I'm guessing he just prefers doing handstand pushups every workout, so he would have to alternate the other two. You can pick whichever two you want as long as you're consistent.
@chicagocyclist01 I'm advocating not to do them on the same day to keep a balance between pushing and pulling. The reason why I suggest to alternate between push ups and dips is that they have the same prime movers (chest and triceps), whereas handstand push ups are primarily a shoulder exercise.
@chicagocyclist01 I've had great progress doing dip and push up progression in the same day. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say dont do both in the same day. I'm pretty sure the beginner routine in the FAQ says do both.
@a313931 There are a few videos of individual exercises on the site... I do intend to make videos for the all the progressions in the future ; it's just a matter of finding the time.
@bonnieb This is awesome, been doing some body weight workouts in on the pull up bar at home but this lays out a real structure to track my progression.

Some of these I can't imagine doing, I hope to be back in touch in a few months proving myself wrong...