Reached 53.4 KG but Still Have Belly Fat

@typingsound As someone that dropped 75lbs in 8 months, these pics look a lot like me. Rather than beat my head against the wall, I recognized I needed help and guidance on next steps. So I enrolled into a personal trainer program with my gym. I figure, it's gonna cost me a smidge more/month than what I was contributing to my employer stock program, but this way I'm investing in myself. I don't mind taking a year off from that to work on me, and this is knowledge I will take with me for years and years after.

I don't know it all, but I made it past the first stage which was losing the weight. There's no shame in seeing a professional to get properly educated to take the next steps.
@typingsound You look absolutely fine and normal, I do not look at your stomach and think you are fat or that it’s unsightly, it is normal and natural and really isn’t noticeable. Listen to your trainer, you absolutely do not need to lose more weight, I really wouldn’t try and lose fat at this point. To be completely honest it sounds like you have a somewhat disordered relationship with your body, please get help, the fitness world is so full of body dysmorphia and eating disorders it’s not even funny. Please consider talking to someone, it really does help.
@james9900 Thank you. I will speak to my counselor just to be on the safe side, but I do think I was just overreacting. I also didn't realise it was loose skin and not belly fat.
@typingsound That layer of fat is irrelevant, what you are missing is not less BF, is ~20kg in muscle, you will have both a better physic and feel way better at 1.75cm / 75kg / 15BF than 1.75 cm / 55kg / 9% BF.
@typingsound Cut out bread pasta pizza soda and alcohol. Then have fun don’t go crazy and stay away from any sugar. Drink water and listen to the trainer. Your results will appear when you stop looking.
@typingsound Its normal when you lose a lot of weight for it to take some time to adjust your (mental) views of yourself. That said, you do have to be careful this does not lead to unhealthy behaviours. If you were to go lose more weight now that would 100% be unhealthy. Instead I'd recommend sticking with your trainer and if it remains difficult to look at yourself realistically (in this case that means more positively than you do now) then potentially consider seeking a psychologist to work with you on your self-esteem and the events in your past that have made you sensitive to your perceived bellyfat (as you mentioned in another comment).
@typingsound If you have lost more than 15kg you'll definitely see loose skin, especially after a quick diet. I lost 30 kg in 4 months last year and it's there. I have 11% fat and it looks like I still have a belly. There's nothing that can be done, apart from surgery which isn't worth it, IMO.
@typingsound I'm 1.74 too I walk around at 74 to 76 kg with similar belly fat as you and last summer I went hard at cardio and dropped to 70kg I had less belly fat but still had belly fat but my face looked like I shoot heroin on the weekends
@typingsound FWIW, I looked almost identical to you in October, belly fat and all, and started bulking and lifting. While I have the belly fat still, I’ve gained a ton of muscle and feel great!! Im going to keep bulking too!

Bulk up and cut later if you have to
@typingsound You should probably listen to your trainer. Getting bigger and more muscular will increase the surface area which will make your fat deposits less noticable. I remember when I was 69.3 kg and I stored fat on my hips and it would bother me cause I thought it looked to girly but as I kept adding muscle mass on my frame and increasing my bodyweight its less noticable
@typingsound If you work your core / abs more then the same fat % will stretch out more around bigger muscles and look visually much better.

Not that you need to worry about this looking at your pics as others have said, but it's something you can work on without doing unhealthy things to your body.