Sunday Show Off + AMA Announcement: Daniel Vadnal of FitnessFAQs will be answering questions on December 21st!

@curioust OH damn. You started from the bottom of the ROM too. Sure it could have been slower and tighter, solid and thicker, but don't discount the degree of difficulty in this. Badass bud, I might be reposting this video later today!
@groo101 Let's see, on Friday I really didn't want to exercise, but made myself anyway. Turned out to be one of the best sessions I've had. Hit PR on bench (120), felt strong in my FL progression, and squatted 135 without my left knee caving inward.

Also my OHP and bench are now in the novice level on the ExRx charts!

Oh, and 2 weeks ago I got a 95 on my calc exam. I had an F in the class before that :)
@beverly24 All kinds of gains! Great job with your PRs and cleaning up your form. Can't wait to see videos of some of these down the road! Rest up and train hard, finals are over now, yeah?
@groo101 Nope, still got a week of them. I personally have 4...

IDK bout them videos, would have to find a way to prop my phone up in the CRCE weight room.
@groo101 I hit my goals for the initial progressions in Handstand 1, and the Front Lever, Straddle Planche, and Hollowback Press progressions from Foundation. This week is deload and then i'll get started on the 2nd progressions.
@lapdog4 I'm no handstand expert but it looks to me like you need to flex your glutes a little more. In that video your pelvis is not in the right position. Your shoulders are great though! It might help to keep your toes on the wall until you get your line right.
@groo101 Thanks very much for the birthday wishes! The birthday was (and continues to be--it has been a birthday long weekend) awesome. The feats of strength did not exactly materialize in the way I anticipated because other activities (eating, drinking, family-time, etc.) got in the way a bit. But I did do a spontaneous, no warm up OAPU after breakfast on my birthday. I have a crappy video--the crappiness of which matches my crappy form--which I am now attempting to put into a form that is palatable to the inter webs (I am not super tech-savvy). I will post it later today.

Also, when goofing around I found out that I can do shrimp squats (no vid though), and that they are way easier for me than pistols. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

Here is the video:
@wexcellent You're very welcome brochacho! Keep on those shrimp squats if you're having trouble with the pistols, those are actually quite hard for some people, me included.