Sunday Show Off -

@dawn16 That's fantastic! I'm jealous! I haven't really put in consistent work on my free handstands, but did one out of nowhere two nights ago and was able to hold it for at least 40-50 seconds, I didn't count. It was glorious! Keep up the good work though!
@groo101 Thank you! and keep going too, once your handstand is rock solid, do hspu negatives for a couple of weeks and then you should get your hspu, this is how it worked for me.
@dawn16 That's what's funny, HSPU's are easy for me against the wall, and I do them on parallel bars to get an even deeper ROM. But freestanding them? FML. Thanks for the tip!
@groo101 Did something that looks a little bit like a muscle up. Basically I would do a pullup and get one arm over the bar, then the other one, and push myself to the top of the movement. I think its called a beginner muscle up.
Nonetheless, I'm proud I can do at least this, whilst before I couldn't even do a single chest to bar pullup.

So yeah, progress. Can't wait to do an actual muscle up!
@groo101 Today is finally got a 40kg weighted chin-up!

Last time I tried it was about 2 months ago and I barely made it to my forehead, but it also was a bit of a weird set-up with a wide parallel grip, but who cares. Today I got it!

Video :)
@deadworm Hey, I currently don't do any weighted Chin-Ups, I'm working on archer Chin-ups on the rings now and from time to time I test if my weighted max went up. It's pretty cool to measure your strength gains. :)

I maybe incorporate them again when it gets too cold to go to the park everyday. And i like a 3 reps for 3 sets kind of program. 5x5 is also cool if you want more volume. I'm not someone who does lots of repetitions.

Hope that helps!
@groo101 I held my first straddle front lever the other week off a sign.
Also my compression work has finally payed off. My l-sits have turned into v-sits. :)
@riverrose I didn't have much time to actually respond to people in this thread when I posted because I was hosting my best friend who came to visit the east coast. But I've been following your stuff and your progress has been so impressive man! Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see what you'll have to share for the post tomorrow!