Sunday Show Off -


New member
What have you worked on this past week?

Show off some of those cool skills and progressions you’ve been working on! This doesn’t just mean progressions on the FAQ; show us anything cool. This may include, but not limited to: climbing, parkour, weight loss/gain, posture, etc. They’re all welcome in this thread!

In last week’s thread, a few more people gained the ability to do muscle-ups and others who shared them in different stages. We also saw an interesting submission from someone using aerial wraps rather than traditional rings or straight bars. People also shared their accomplishments with handstands, levers, and progress with /@fromgenesistorevelation's L-sit challenge. It was a great week last week, so what have you done since then?

Everything you contribute not only helps you measure your own progress, but can be immensely motivating to someone who is just starting! So share if you’re able, you’ve got a whole community to support!

We also want to remind you that we've been sharing your content on @redditbwf on both Instagram and Twitter. Help us grow our sub's social media in order to reach out to non-Redditors across these other social media platforms!

Pictures and Videos from last week:
Last week’s Show Off thread

Check out some of the previous Sunday Show Off threads for more inspiration!

As always, many of us are on the IRC and would love to meet our BWF brothers and sisters, wherever you're from!
@groo101 The night prior to this photo I had wanted to impress a friend with my L-sit progress. I was a few beers deep and rocked into a V-sit like I never have before, totally impressed myself!

Woke up the next day and wanted to share it on the L-sit challenge thread. Forms a little off, as my wrists absolutely suck and are ALWAYS tight, especially in the morning (I had been awake for maybe 15 minutes). I'm really freaking stokes with the progress I'm seeing everywhere! Do the program folks!

@groo101 no pics or videos to share yet but I started my first BWF routine after two years of on/off weightlifting two weeks ago and just wanted to say you're all an inspiration :)
@amandalynn88 Haha there are quite a few guys on the IRC that recently started the beginner's routine, claiming they haven't seriously worked out in years, and have made great progress with their L-sits. There are a few weightlifters in there too who are still working on fundamental skills. Regardless, keep consistent and I bet you'll be outdoing some of us in whatever skills you choose to focus on. Great job!
@fromgenesistorevelation Absolutely the right choice just leaving in the sound. I like that a lot. Same with parkour videos, I love hearing all the scuffing sounds and landings.

Anyway, you make that shit look easy and graceful as if you weren't supporting yourself moving while hanging from only one arm..
@groo101 I finally got three workouts in in a week. I've gotten up to 6x3 dips on bars, up from 3x3 a month ago. I'm also up to 7 negative chin ups in a single set. I feel more confident in my pistol partials; my balance is a lot better even if I'm only dropping down to about 60 degrees.

I also got some rings this week, so am finally able to add rows and therefore push ups to my routine. In my new extended work out, I lost a few reps because of the addition of rows at the beginning, but that shouldn't take long to resolve given my progress.

All I need now is some visual confirmation I'm doing well, but that's going to take a long time before my guns turn into cannons.