Went down two whole pant sizes!


New member
I really have no one else to share this with but I’ve just discovered this today and I’m still giddy about it.

I went shopping earlier and brought back my usual size 4 jeans into the fitting room and discovered the waist was too big on all of them! The store was closing soon so I just bought a size 2 and a size 0 to try on at home and y’all. I fit into a size 0!! I literally only bought that size because the pants I wanted didn’t come in a size 2 so I figured it would be my goal weight pants. But no I actually fit into them!

I haven’t been a size 0 since high school. I’m 26. And I also felt like I’ve just recently become a size 4 within the last few months, so to suddenly be able to fit into size 0 jeans is amazing to me. This has absolutely blown my mind and I’m still in shock over it because I have felt so discouraged by the number on the scale and it’s been really depressing. But this has given me newfound motivation!

Anyway I wanted to share here because this sub has given me so much advice and motivation throughout my fitness journey. Y’all have really held it down for me throughout this year and you don’t even know! I wanted to share this for anyone else who may have been feeling discouraged by what their scale has been telling them. I never really believed it until now, but progress truly isn’t just about what weight you are!
@chelsey423 Thank you! Honestly, for me it was sticking to a healthy calorie deficit, giving myself grace, and not limiting the types of things I eat. I used to eat 900 calories a day, and I lost a LOT of weight (155 lbs-135 lbs), but I didn’t lose it consistently and I was super irritable all the time. Now I eat 1350, I lift 4x a week, and I also dance 2-3x a week. I’m also 5’2 for reference. I try to eat like 80g of protein a day as well (I’d like to eat more but it’s really hard for me). Although I have certain dietary goals (1350 calories, 80g of protein, etc.) if I want a dessert or if I want to go eat out with my friends I let myself do so. Recently my weight loss has been super slow, I’m now at 132 lbs, and it’s been frustrating because after eating 900 calories a day I had been used to quicker weight loss. But I have been seeing more muscle tone, I feel healthier, and I have more energy. I still haven’t reached my first goal weight (120 lbs) but I definitely see myself getting there!

Additionally, i will plan my meals out days in advance and log it in my calorie counting app in advance too. That’s really helpful in keeping me on track, because it allows me to account for more calorie dense meals! For example, if I know I’m going to go out on Friday, I look the restaurant menu up ahead of time, decide what I want, and log it for Friday. I will then just eat lighter throughout that day and still keep under my deficit :)
@saved3john16 I recently bought new work pants and got a good deal on shorts along with them. Since I tried on the size 7 and it fit fine (a little baggy bc I don’t want them super tight for work) I picked up the shorts in size 7 as well without trying them on. When I got home I realized they’re baggy and I should’ve gotten a 5. But when I held them up in the store I didn’t even think I was gonna fit in the 7s! Then a couple days ago I tried on a pair of my mom’s size 3 shorts and they fit fine! They’re probably a bit stretched out so they’re almost a 5, but omg was it gratifying seeing I can fit into my mom’s shorts
Oh, I also went thrifting last weekend and purchased three beautiful skirts in size medium…only to find they’re all baggy too🥲 But I’m definitely taking them to get altered bc they’re literally my dream skirts and I got them for $1 each
@madellina I love that for you!! And I completely understand the satisfaction of fitting into your mom’s clothes lol. For the majority of my life my mom has been smaller than me, so when recently we realized I weighed less than her it was soooo gratifying haha
@saved3john16 Girl thank you for this motivation 😭😭 lowkey I’m jealous of you HAHA but hearing about other’s progress makes me wanna work harder. I’ve gone down from a size 8 -> 6 -> 4 currently. Hoping by the end of this year I can drop 10 more pounds and get to a size 2 or 0 🫡
@tarheelpride91 Honestly different brands have different sizes. I have never fit into a size 0 even now at 5’1 and 105 lbs. That’s because the brands I buy I’ve noticed are smaller than the average American brands. It can be kind of discouraging when your friends who are the same height but weigh 15 lbs+ than you talk about being size zeros but that’s okay, I don’t need to fit into a zero.
@ivan777 The pants/shorts in my closet that fit me range from 0-6 (the 6s are from the same store I usually wear a 2!!) and 28"-34".

I sometimes wish I had "going down a size" as an occasional milestone, but those numbers seem totally irrelevant to my body. :(
@tarheelpride91 Going down all the way from an 8 to a 4 is already amazing!! And what others have said is correct, pant sizes vary sooo much so just because you don’t necessarily fit into a 0 or 2 doesn’t mean you’re not reaching your goals! I think just the fact that you have dropped sizes at all is inspiring, and I’m super proud of you.