Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

@krista123 Are you implicating that I wouldn't want an athlete to peak leading up to a meet? Obviously, I would want my athlete to lift heavier; but at the cost of their safety? That's foolish. Why load an athlete if they can't safely maneuver and control the barbell?

If you see the technique of any elite lifter, their technique isn't perfect on the platform, but anything below 92%, they're technique is immaculate.

You sound more of a CrossFit member and weekend warrior than an individual with a 4-year kinesiology-related degree.

Edit: grammar
@carpetcleaninginutah And that's the thing. When you finally get good at weightlifting, like any other sport, the only improvements you can make are physically enhancing your body (i.e. Getting stronger). I get pinned by snatch sand cleans CONSTANTLY because I'm not strong enough to stand up with the bar. So I squat. And squat. And squat some more. It's helping but as far as technique goes, I've kinda got it down. HOWEVER, having a good coach with an eye on you while you lift is invaluable! My coach tells me when my back is getting weak or I look tired.

That being said, we are beginning an oly class next month at our gym, yet I'm going to continue to go outside for reasons similar to those you've mentioned above.
@a_better_me04 Sounds like you need more or a controlled eccentric loading of your legs.

But I'm a coach that had the Russian system taught to me as my foundation and now I take immensely from the Bulgarian system. It never hurt to learn from other coaches or systems as long as it's not from a non-expert.
@carpetcleaninginutah or he just has a weak squat compared to his pull?? It is great that you're learning lots and continuing to learn, but don't over complicate everything. Sometimes the best cues to give athletes is just to lift and not think about it.
Sometimes the best cues to give athletes is just to lift and not think about it.

I say this to most newbies that walk in. They get frustrated and it turns into a spiral downhill of self-loathing. Especially since they don't haven't developed the kinesthetic awareness compared to former collegiate & high school athletes.

or he just has a weak squat compared to his pull??

That may be true, I obviously don't know /@a_better_me04, so I'm speculating. But I was talking about his squat.

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