What do you prioritize when you don’t have much time?

@medo This. I know we are all busy in life, but who TF goes straight to the bedroom at 10pm sharp, and immediately falls asleep without any sort of ritual or whatever? I always have to take a deuce and stretch before bed, at a bare minimum.
@blueskies88 Bro look up Liu raises and do band pull aparts. You don’t even need the weights just doing the motion of Liu raises daily will transform your posture, swear
@blueskies88 Sleep is always gonna be the biggest factor. The construction workers in our bodies work the night shift, and like every other construction worker, they need time to get the work done.
@blueskies88 Sleep is always number one for me. Then eating enough calories. If I don’t do either of these long enough I’ll get a perma-cold until I catch up on both.
@blueskies88 If I am too tired after a long day or work and and a strenuous workout, then I would probably choose sleep over anything else otherwise, I will have more protein and then go to bed and sleep like a bear.

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