8 Month Progress w/ Reddit PPL

@samiwhitie You can get the best of both worlds with the straps. If you only use them on your last/heavier sets/reps, then you still get the bulk of your grip work done at the beginning of your grind, you’re also getting a lot of grip work from your weighted pull-ups so you definitely don’t have to worry about missing out. You can also get a wrist roller or throw in some extra forearm work if you’d like to boost strength (and aesthetics) from the knuckles to the elbows. Good work though man, solid accomplishments!
@paulebear Thanks for the advice, I'll probably do the first set raw then the last 2 sets with the straps cause my grip gives out early with anything heavier than 265. I also just ordered the straps today and it's arriving tomorrow. I can't wait to try those bad boys out!
@samiwhitie Like the dude below said, just use them when your grip starts to fail. They're also good for BB Rows and even front squats if you have wrist mobility issues. I even use them on dumbbell rows when I do 100 lbs+ because it allows me to focus more on the actual muscle I'm working instead of my grip.

And personally, I really don't care about how good my grip strength is... I'm not competing in anything, but mine has improved even while using straps.
@placidus You're right. I don't even know why I cared so much about grip strength. I'm not planning on competing at all. I just want to increase the intensity and focus on aesthetics. I didn't even know that straps were this versatile. Thanks for enlightening me!
@samiwhitie There's a point where progressing 3x5 twice a week on squats becomes impractical. Even on a surplus. A change in programming becomes necessary... A heavy (higher intensity / lower volume and a light (lower intensity / higher volume) day.
@laviniaaida It might be a good idea to lower the intensity on the 2nd leg day. Lower the intensity and increase the rep range what do you think? Would this be ideal for a cut as well?
@oupajoe Depends on the person. For me personally I have to graduate from linear progression at

90kg bench
195kg dead
155kg sq

Using RPE non linear work I blew past these to 100kg B, 165kg S, 225kg dead.

However, you can always go back to linear if you take some time off.
@dawn16 I appreciate the motivating words bro! As I get leaner, it's getting harder and harder to avoid junk food. It's really great to hear comments like yours. Thanks!
@samiwhitie Nice work!

My only thought reading this would be looking at a horizontal "pull" movement (like a barbell row)

Typically my "Core" lifts would be

Horizontal Push/Pull

Vertical Push/Pull





Barbell Rows





* not in any particular order mind you, just what I consider to be the "core" of any foundation of workout programs.

So thats the only thing Id recommend adding. Some type of Horizontal Pull movement.
@christian987 Thanks man! I actually follow the Reddit PPL program, which includes the following: deadlift,bench,squat,row,ohp, and squat. I didn't add the rows to my numbers since I've noticed that mostly everyone are interested with those 4 lifts.
@samiwhitie See, this is what i look up to. This is how i want to progress in my own goals. Strict and Powerful, how I like it. If only my workout buddy would realize this.