My 10 Month Calisthenics journey!

@reekypear Over time you can estimate everything with your eyes and do approximate numbers in your head. Let's say you eat a meal and then you think okay this is roughly 800-1100kcal and you have to work by that! It's the same with how much kcal you need! Nobody knows that you need exact 2300 kcal like for me as an example it's a estimation! It's a practice I use but it takes time to develop that skill to judge foods and how much kcal are they. For beginners it's very hard and that's why most people food prep so they know exactly what they eat. And even then I still eat mostly foods I know very well I don't eat out a lot or eat foods I have no idea how many kcal or protein they contain I try to keep things simple. Hope this helps!
@lyossarian If you mean cheat days that I don't have many of them. Maybe 1-3 a month. I'm pretty strict with my diet because if I am not then I will look like I did in before picture again. Because I was working out a lot even in the before picture (weights and gym) but as you can see I need to keep my diet in check otherwise I'll gain too much muscle and fat. Also when you cheat on meals you tend to start doing that even more often for example if I eat a cookie it's more likely that I will want even more after that 1 so it's better to not have that 1 cookie at all. Speaking from experience!

Calories depends if I do cardio or not but mostly yeah they are same I don't suddenly jump from 2300kcal to 3300kcal for example.
@beerandjesus Nice work! I am a bit confused by your amount of training:

Calisthenics 3-4 times a week
Cardio 3-4 times a week
Weightlifting 2 times a week.

How do you schedule these days? Do you combine calisthenics with cardio or?
@econ4every1 Weightlifting is only used because it's best way to train legs. I am not a big fan of pistol squats and other exercises are not challenging enough to put you in 3-8 rep range what I mostly prefer!

Yes I do cardio after my calisthenics workout so let's say I do back+biceps and after that workout! I would sometimes do a bike ride 1h 20km or a casual run of 5km, maybe a walk of 5km or a swim depends. My schedule is quite packed so I basically do something everyday + I have full time job where we also train.
@econ4every1 Well each muscle group rests for 48-72h! But in sense of cardio it doesn't interfere much with my workouts because I don't do it too much. Usually a 20km bike ride or 5km run which for me is not that much. Since I have run a marathon in my life and my longest bike ride has been 165km so these type of cardio sessions doesn't burn me out it's like a recovery chill ride or run which is good for heart!