Sunday Show Off - Share your progress

@davecb I can now hold an advanted tuck planche with good form for a few seconds.

I started to follow a program inspired by kilroy70's routine and I'm really glad I did. My progress with straight arm exercises was too slow and I realized I needed a specific routine.
@mountainguardian 4 days a week :

8x 45s Plank

8x 15s Planche lean

8x 10s Adv Tuck Front Lever

8x 10s Tuck Back Lever

8x 30s Handstand Hold stomach against the wall

1min rest between every rep
  1. Standing, raise and lower dumbbells, with locked arms to overhead (3x10)
  2. Supine, raise and lower dumbbells, with locked arms to perpendicular (3x10)
And then I do some push/pull exercises after that.

I took the dumbbell exercises from a former gymnast who said on a forum he had a planche press to handstand on rings when there were none in international competition at his age.
@davecb Due to working on the road followed by a brief sickness, I wasn't able to work out recently for a little over two weeks. Today I did an apprehensively light set of bodyline drills and skill practice thinking I wouldn't be able to hold anything but the complete opposite was true! After barely being able to hold the extended tuck L-Sit for 10 seconds I can now hold a full on L-Sit for 25 seconds and a Crow pose for 1 Minute, up from 35 seconds. This is confusing and encouraging but i'm not going to question it. Any explanations? I've done literally nothing in this regard for the last 2 and a half weeks....
@davecb I added another second to my L-sit, now at a grand total of two seconds. My goal is ten.

I'll get there.

My kongs are improving though I still need to get my hips a little higher.
@davecb No pics, but thanks to guidance from my all-state gymnast friend, I went from tuck back lever all the way to a 6sec full BL in a few minutes.

Was doing the hold wrong all along.
@commissioned2encourageu Well done. I wish my compression was as good as yours. When I try to do tuck planche press to HS, it ends up becoming advanced tuck because I can't keep my knees close to my chest. Also, as you get stronger and start working on advanced tuck planche, keep your hips at about the same level as your head and knees behind your hands like this. Then lean forward even more and extend your legs even further, but maintain full protraction as well like this. Good luck.