Sunday Show Off - The place to impress and be impressed

@groo101 Just wanted to drop in and say thank you to my new favorite community. I have struggled with body fat and low structural strength my whole life. A ruptured disk ended my military career and until now yoga has been the only form of exercise that reduces my pain and built core strength, BWF is my next progression.

BWF is the first form of exercise that I enjoy doing, and really that makes all the difference. Last week I was stoked to attain a deep stable squat, yesterday I bumped my squat jumps from 10 to 12. I realize now how weak one can become by just being lazy and lifting weights occasionally.

I feel like BWF is giving me control over the physical aspect of my life and I wanted to share.
@groo101 No videos to report in with, but I'm up to a 2 minute front plank. It's a pretty horrible last 30 seconds but they are there. Next up:
  • better balance for the side plank
  • continued work on free handstands
@groo101 Found out I can do dragon flags! First day I thought they were easy, but then when I really started focusing on good form I realized they were a little harder than I thought originally.

Doing them with with one leg bent on the up, then I extend both legs and do a slow eccentric.
@groo101 Slow week for videos because I have been training more than filming.

First up is a combo

Beginning with a no-grip straddle front lever, change to false grip no-kip muscle up, front bar spin and release to dead hang followed by window wipers.

Second video is dead hang start, l-sit strict form explosive muscle up on a bar followed by a strict form eccentric to dead hang l-sit. I've always wanted to build up to this but needed more strength in order to perform it.

Next progression goal is a strict form l-sit ring muscle up whilst maintaining horizontal legs. I saw this video of a guy doing it whilst balancing stuff on his legs. I want that level of control!
@groo101 I did my first One Arm Push Ups! (3x5 on Wednesday)

I'd been doing them on a chair for the last week and a half. And, this week, I was traveling (and fighting a cold the whole time). There wasn't a good surface in the hotel room at the right height, so I just went down to the floor and tried it. And, what do you know, I cranked out 5 on each side.