Sunday Show Off - The place to impress and be impressed

@groo101 I was feeling a bit shitty recently because the last two weeks, I haven't had the time to workout or even eat right because of exams. After the final exam on thursday I went on a trip with the students' union, drank a ton of beer all weekend long, which was fun but I was really afraid all the work I've put in since december would go to waste.

But when we went swimming, I got multiple remarks on how good I looked, even by people I had never met before, that weren't aware of the fact I've been training and didn't know what shape I was in before (I've never been in bad shape, but I have always been hella skinny).

I'll start working out, eating right and drinking less tomorrow again, but I don't feel shitty anymore. I'm proud not only because of the comments I got, but also because I got myself to care so much about bodyweightfitness that two weeks without it makes me feel bad.

BWF, mods and everybody who has contributed to this community in some way, thanks a lot!
@romans82 The best thing I've realized about bodyweight fitness is that even with a short hiatus like yours, you should be able to recover the strength where you left off at, fairly quickly. Can't wait to see what pics or vids you might have for us next week! Hell, film something today to really kick your butt back to training!
@groo101 I've been doing random pushups and pullups almost every day during my hiatus, if not to maintain strength, then at least to gauge how much I've lost. I just came back from the trip and the first thing I did was a couple of chinups. Guess what? I managed to do 8, which is a record.

I guess I haven't lost much gains, but what bothers me is that if I had kept working out and eating right these last two weeks, I'd be even stronger.
@romans82 Yes and no. Deloads are important and your body may have greatly benefited from the time off. Whats absolutely a fact right now though is that you're the strongest you've ever been and your body is fully recovered. Time to get it!
@ukubird Thanks for the encouragement, Chris! Not sure about my body being fully recovered though. Not feeling great today, so I'm gonna move the workout to tomorrow (which is fine, I'll still get the three workouts per week). Turns out consuming more beer than getting hours of sleep for three nights isn't healthy. :D

I'll do Molding Mobility and Starting Stretching though, just to get into the rhythm again.
@groo101 Lasr week was first week back to weight training after a month. I went for the weight i was benching before i left, and did 2 sets of 5 before failing the last set . pretty shaken up, so next time i benched i couldn't do the weight , and went down to 115. pretty depressed , as it was a mental thing. friday i brought my roommate to the gym to get him to exercise , and while he was there he spotted me on the weight i failed . did 3 easy sets once i wasn't scared of the weight. success !

Also started taking creatine, and it's starting to take effect , as i easily squatted what i did before break .

pardon the weird spacing ; spilled coffee on my keyboard and am letting it dry. typing with on-screen keyboard ;.;
@unsilentrose No worries, was working all day myself. Looks like you're on the right track getting closer to the wall! If you're not already doing so, try working on some pike push-ups to strengthen up those shoulders. It will also help your wrists adjust to the load they are bearing.
@unsilentrose DAMN! That's inspiring. I ran my 18year old 300lb+ roommate thru the beginner routine and I didnt even attempt having him try wall HS. Thats freaking awesome. Stick with it man!
@groo101 Got back to my workout this week, six weeks after having a baby. Damn, I got weak. Here's hoping I can get it back quickly!
@luke It's certainly been a while since I've heard from you! I hope motherhood has been great! And while sure, you may not have been practicing things like your handstands, I'm sure you'll find it quite easy to regain that strength after a few days of working on it! Welcome back!!
@groo101 Thanks, man! Motherhood is great, this little girl is sure a handful but it's awesome. I tried out a few handstands, and yeah I've lost a little there but I still got a little balance. Frog stands are still solid at least! L-hangs last about half as long as before, but I tried one 4 weeks postpartum and couldn't even lift them, so that's improvement, ha! L-sits are gonna be totally from scratch now. I'm sure it'll come back fast! Hopefully I will have some cool stuff to show in a few weeks.