Sunday Show Off - The place to impress and be impressed

@apmichael You start in the full back lever anyway, it is kind of a dumb stunt due to the extra strain it places on the biceps. We started with the smallest people we could find before moving up to the heavier guy, he is 65kg for reference (I'm 82).

Also, oh my god neck snap.
@groo101 I've been working on improving my ROM and form on chinups and dips for about two months now. I took a video of myself doing them yesterday for the first time, and I was pleasantly surprised to see some big improvements - two months ago I couldn't do a chest to bar chinup (or any kind of chinup without some crazy leg action), and I couldn't got below parallel on dips.

I also deadlifted and squatted for the first time yesterday. I don't have a video and my totals were pretty pathetic (75 lb squat, 135 lb deadlift), but it was a ton of fun, and I'm super excited to start doing them regularly.
@apmichael Hahah is your name torin? I got a good friend who is Torin and nobody ever knows what his name is. Anyways, props on the movements! Pullups are in your future soon!
@chadwick90 This looked like it could be in a movie / music video in the 90's. I'm going to have to mash this up to some Busta Rhymes when I post it on the Instagram. XD
@riverrose Man don't feel bad for training on park equipment! Park equipment is just as bad ass, it shows you don't need perfect conditions and all the cool tools to make awesome gains. Plus it makes you more creative in figuring out how to do other fun stuff with limited resources. Park equipment is dope. If you become a total beast on park equipment first, the things you'll be able to achieve if you do ever come across more advanced facilities will be totally unreal man! Keep on keepin on bro!