Sunday Show Off - The thread for people who can appreciate the plateaus you've conquered this past week!

@silas1325 Nice! Is lyra your primary discipline? Where do you train? I went to NECCA in Vermont and I work in Maine for the Circus Conservatory. My main discipline is hand to hand, but I also do chinese pole, tumbling, various juggling type things, and getting back into handbalancing after a shoulder injury 2 years ago.
@ife Yes I do Lyra and pole. I train at Moxie Mischief in Dallas. I hope to make a trip to necca very soon. I also want to get to circus warehouse in NYC this year too. I'm a wannabe hand balancer lately, I'd love to do hand to hand too! Its my dream to find a partner. I want to do all the things!
@silas1325 Man, I don't know any circus people in Dallas! I've got friends in San Antonio and Austin, though. It took me a while to find a hand to hand partner, finally have someone that I am training with. She is new, but we've been training consistently for about a month now, so that's good. I haven't been to circus warehouse yet. Are you thinking of the pro program at NECCA?
@groo101 Its pretty minor, but I'm excited. I got a 10 sec Lsit after falling off the wagon for a few months. Started back up again in February and had lost it, but now its back!

Actually wait, even more exciting than that is I've been really working on my shoulder ROM, and two days ago I realized I could keep my elbows on the wall for an extra 3inches over my previous wall extensions. Its been 15 years without full range of motion and this is so totally great!
@peacecar Hah! Shoulder mobility shows up outta nowhere and is like "hey whats up. Oh, I dunno how long I've been here before but LOOK WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW AWWW YEAH"

@ukubird Thanks! Yeah, so great. I had thought I was just going to have limited ROM and residual pain for the rest of my life, but bodyweight exercises have changed that and I am making progress. It's a huge deal. I'm so grateful for all of the help and enthusiasm of this community.
@groo101 Through some kind of sorcery, I was able to nail a pike press HS.

With the help of /@lovinggodlovingpeople, I realized that my pike allows me to stack my wrists on top of my hips, making the press up much easier. Also did some negatives today to play around with the motion of going down.

I started hanging leg lifts on stall bars a few weeks ago and my compression has skyrocketed since then. Today during yoga, I was doing urdhva mukha paschimottanasana and it had become much easier due to this added compression. I held this position for 20-30s.
@groo101 I held a free handstand for 31 seconds the other day, up from a personal best of 16. It was awesome, made me realize my balance is getting to be on point, just have to keep up with strength work to be able to hold it longer.