Sunday Show Off - The thread for people who can appreciate the plateaus you've conquered this past week!

@ukubird Thanks! I attribute it to really focusing on support holds. ~90 degrees RTO, arms not glued to sides, and REALLY depressing and pushing down. Also your posts are always a huge inspiration!
@pecanpi Rad! I've had this AC joint issue that's scared me away from doing RTO support for a while. I've been doing support on pbars for 1:15 and just depressing as much as I can. And thanks for the props! It's fun to progress and share with people!
@groo101 no progress this week, but at the end of my workout I realized that despite a terrible RTO support I can move into position for the elbow lever on rings. maybe a goal for next month.
@groo101 2 PR's this week. Two! On Monday my pull up max was 6. On Thursday I got 8 with clean form. And just this morning I got 10 on a much thicker bar with good form. They're finally becoming relatively easy and I'm finally feeling good back contraction.
@groo101 3 months of bodyweight fitness and I was finally able to do my first (messy) Muscle up! stoked!


Thanks to you guys, some other progress:
Squat 95lbs 3x5 ->3x5 125lbs
Wide Pike push up 3x8 ->3x8 Box HsPU
Pullups 3x8-> Wide L sit Pullups 3x8
1 PPPU- 3x8 PPPU
@groo101 I hit a thirty second L-sit today on my parallettes! Hit a 28 second one just seeing how long I could go, then realizing how close I was when watching the game tape I went back after it and hit 30.5 seconds, which is probably pretty puny compared to a lot of folks here, but for a +40 year old near 200 lb'er I'll take it.

A PR is a PR.