Sunday Show Off - The thread for people who can appreciate the plateaus you've conquered this past week!

@groo101 I finally felt confident enough to try working out at the park near my office. It's not the best, but it has pullup bars, monkey bars, a bodyweight squatting thing and some other stuff which can be put to use with a little creativity.

Workout was hard going because the pullup bar was very thick, so my forearms were like fucking jelly afterwards and my numbers were way down. But having the space to move I was able to do some skin the cats and even held an almost level back lever for a few seconds. Will definitely be back.
@groo101 Being a noob, this I'm sure is no great feat, however, I started body weight training about 3 weeks ago and had my first progression. Moved from 8x3 rows to one leg incline 5x3 rows.

I also maxed on bulgarian split squats 8/8/9 yesterday. So this week starting on beginners shrimps. Yay!
@groo101 I cleanse my reddit account every few weeks so I am a lurker/occasional poster on other accounts. Progress this week:
  • Pull ups are starting to become sets (record is 4)
  • 20s LSit
  • Reduced pain in all muscles
  • Hand stand technique is flaky but I am at about 75 degrees or so
Goal for this week is to learn a hand stand roll out from the ground.
@groo101 I've been following the beginner routine for a few months now (probably 4 total, but with some 2 week sick breaks in the midst), and this week I did/saw two things that (to me) were completely amazing. 1) I finally helda 10s L-sit & 2) I have new muscles that my husband and my kids noticed before I did.

I'd been a little lacking in my work outs for a week or so and this week finally pushed myself like I should. Those two things have given me so much motivation to continue with this, and so much more confidence in everything that I do.
@groo101 I'm 14 and I've been doing hybrid bodyweight and barbell training along with my endurance sports through out the last 6 months. I had to miss few workouts because I was on vacation for spring break. I decided to use the hotel gym just for shits. I found I could max out their chest press machines weights and came close to maxing out their weighted row machine. This raises a question. If a relatively slim triathlete teen could max out these things at a hotel and YMCA, why do they even bother making these things?
@groo101 I was finally able to touch my toes for around 3 seconds after following Antranik's Toe Touching Routine for a week! I'm really surprised by how effective that program is.

Also, I've been training for 2 months on my Pull-up progression and I was feeling hopeless on doing an actual Pull-up from a dead hang because I was really hurting my shoulders. I did a bit of shoulder dislocates and wall-slides daily for a week, tried to polish my form, and I finally got to do a legitimate Pull-up 2 days ago, holy shit! I tried my luck again yesterday, somehow got to 3 Pull-ups! Though that last rep was a bit shaky, I'm fucking ecstatic to work-out again.

I'm really glad to have stumbled upon this sub a week ago, I've really learned quite a lot these past few days. I haven't been this inspired in a loooooong time, thanks to all the crazy shit all you guys do
@groo101 This is the full INSANE highlight clip of the World Street Workout Championship Aussie Finals that were held last Sunday at Bondi Beach outdoor bar-gym.

Top competitors came from all over Australia - and busted out levers, planches, muscle ups, handstands and dynamic combinations were smashed out in the regulation 2 min sets.
The 'Static elements' judge was /r/bodyweightfitness AMA & Las Vegas handstand superstar Yuri Marmerstein!
Highlights video:

For insane inspiration and stunning strength and technique, check out the form on these guys! The winner was Ari (white shorts @ 48 secs HS clap push ups!)- he goes to Moscow for World Champs in Dec. Sebastian was 2nd (black hair/tattoos) Omar 3rd - (black hat/oraage shoes white shorts)
Enjoy and be inspired!