Bodyweight Skill Tree

Also thanks for pointing out the spelling error. I will fix it in the spreadsheet but probably won't re-upload the picture, haha.
@hannah97 I really like this!

I'm sorry I have but no gold stars for you!

Now please spend even more of your free time editing it as a .pdf with links to quality YouTube videos for each movement and progression.

I promise to dole out upvote karma in abundance!
@dominicbaptiste Thank you man.

That idea with the youtube links is actually a very good idea and I will see what I can do about that pdf version. Right now I am still trying to include skills and strength elements I have overlooked and generally just improving the overall look. All this might take me some time though, so don't expect anything in the too near future, haha.
@hannah97 They require a little less planning because you build the relationships and the app will arrange in them in whatever shape you desire (as well as it can). Excel requires forethought. You need to plan where things will go and how you'll connect. Makes this really impressive.
@hannah97 I love that it's a spreadsheet. You can make it interactive! Build in tracking, have it output your current "level" vs max. You can even go as deep as adding specific weights to each skill for balancing purposes. Gamify this baby!
@hannah97 Very interesting tree. I never thought some of these progression’s would be in the spot’s they are. Is a tuck front lever row a good progression for learning front lever’s? Just wondering why it is a good one I suppose.

Also as a legendary skill, the climber Magnus Midtbo had done a 1 arm muscle up. You can see the video on his channel, the form is not perfect but it is pretty cool to see and thought it was worth a mention.
@jenuine I saw that video. Its quite impressive considering he doesn't even focuse on that stuff. I know that Zoran Pesterac also did a OA MU without using the armpit which was pretty clean.
@jonbanjo I was going for a more circular skill tree, where you could pick a main topic like pushing or pulling and see the progressions from there. Your idea would definitely be feasible though.
@hannah97 I was also going to comment this as well. The circular direction is great, however it kind of gets cluttered when you have so many arrows that cross the screen. Also with doing some sort of linear progress, you could make “tiers” for skills to give it more of a game-y feel.