How do you get 100+ grams of protein per day?

@jszy04 For me- processed food. I had 45 grams of protein for breakfast between soy bean pasta and morning star chicken strips. Add in seitan, another serving of vegan meat, and maybe a shake, you're at 120-140 grams easy
@jszy04 I don't. I'm about 86kg so by your formula there I suppose I should be eating something like 155g a day. Between my lunch, protein shake and dinner I'll probably have around 90 total. Now granted, I'm not doing body recomp. I hover around 15%bf and I'm okay with that because I train for health and performance, but unless you're trying to build muscle optimally you don't have to focus on getting in that much protein. Even if you are looking to build muscle I wouldn't sweat it too much if you can't manage that large of an amount and it simply takes you a bit longer to pack it on.

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