PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot


New member
I recently built a 9ft pull up bar frame out of steel pipe and joints from Home Depot so I can exercise outdoors. I’ve been using it for the past couple weeks, and it was perfect. Very simple design- two long poles with perpendicular bases, and the pull-up bar connecting them.

Today, I was using my rings to do face pulls at the end of my workout, and one of the vertical poles snapped at the joint. I fell and knocked my wind out and narrowly avoided the rest of the structure as it fell towards me.

I’ll be designing something a lot stronger this weekend.

Don’t be a cheap dumbass like me. Build it right or you could fuck yourself up. I feel super lucky to be un-injured

pictures that I posted in the comment section
@theoutlander I know the earth orbits in an ellipses and not a perfect circle, but that would make a fun idea for a comic. Like an origin story.

Hell, maybe that's why the earth is in an ellipses. Maybe Atlas shrugged? Hah!

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