Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

@paparazi257 Been following 3DMJ and listening to them for years, Alberto why are you always depressed? why are you always obsessed with aging / getting old? I love the knowledge nuggets you drop, but why do you think you’re 113 years old?
@amorphus I think it’s the inverse

Athlete years are different man, and if anything I can lead to a Peter Pan syndrome of sorts. I genuinely don’t deserve how good I feel at my age if I’m being perfectly honest.
@ckxcr precisely, and you make it a point to ALWAYS talk about it. Some of us are older than you and we feel great. Negativity doesn't serve anyone.

thanks for answering.
@amorphus I’m sorry I made you feel any way.

My general message is that our bodies don’t let us down we let them down. I might be overly optimistic but I don’t see my body really declining I’m the next 15-20 years.

A big reason why is my constant upkeep and yes some gifts I don’t deserve. What’s a better way to convey my message so it doesn’t make anyone feel the way I might have made you feel?
@ckxcr All good mate, thanks for your responses and keep up the good work!

It's probably the strong emphasis on "aging...getting not 21...old this...old that" on a constant basis that unintentionally communicate it :) you work hard and you deserve all the success that you have, keep it up, and we're all gonna make it.
@gigglealotable You probably went too deep for your current skill level on the cut. Don’t go as deep next time.

Pick a goal bodyweight you know you can handle on the way out.
@paparazi257 How should one preferentially adjust and balance the variables volume, intensity and frequency? Is targeting a muscle only once a week but with enough intensity optimal? Is targeting a muscle 3 times a week but almost never being close to failure better? How this parameters should change according to the level of the athlete?
@paparazi257 What caloric surplus do you advice on a bulk (beginner - intermediate - advanced), how much weight lifting volume reduction on a cut? What's your favourite diet plan: high carb, low carb,...
@londongal See my other comments for answers on the cut

I’d say whatever yields you 5-10% weight increase over the course of 6-12 months. How tight that line is depends on your skill. As time goes on you will learn to more with less.

As is the case for most things

Not just bodybuilding but life
@paparazi257 Hey Berto, Ive been watching you, Jeff, and 3dmj for awhile now. The content you make is amazing thank you so much for all the knowledge!

What is your best advice for a natural lifter with 4 years of experience who is plateauing and doesn't know what information to listen to with so much available? Falling into the trap of paralysis by analysis and constantly switching up my program.

Also, do you think lower volume to failure or higher volume with moderate intensity should be focused on? Or a mix? Or different blocks/cycles? I have trouble on if I should be focusing strength progression on big compounds or more focused movements like RDLs and the Larsen press.

Do you think weighted calisthenics like the ring pushup and inverted row are valuable instead of weights?

Looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you.
@peterpan56 Find a mentor/coach ASAP

You are 4 years in so this is more than a fling. They will be better able to guide you, and allow you to just play the role of student/athlete
@methesinner volume spread out more. later exercises wont suffer as much and you can train with more quality since less sets overall.

hell i train 6 times a week and i been thinkin of going perhaps 10 sessions esp on my upper days.