Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

@riverrose How strong were your fingers before your first attempt at fingertip pushups? Although my fingers are much stronger now, I can't quite do as many of these as I'd like. What did you do to strengthen your fingers?

And goddamn, I can't wait to find better outdoor bars to train on. Seeing your muscle up + jump drills along with everything you post on the daily make me so jelly!
@groo101 They weren't very strong at all. I couldn't even maintain a plank on my fingertips without a lot of pain for more than a few seconds. It's a bit impractical and unsafe to just go on your fingertips willy nilly so the best advice I can offer is improving forearm strength through other safer means and occasionally revisiting fingertip planks and lastly fingertip push ups.

Grip trainers as well as practising on thick bars and a little rock climbing certainly helped tremendously. If I'm not spinning on a bar I also usually am squeezing it as hard as I can until my forearms fail first.
@groo101 Managed to get my pull ups up to 3x8, going to make sure it wasn't a fluke and then move on further to the other progressions.

Crow stands are going well, now need to really start working on the levers.

Also managed to up my weight a bit which means I'm getting closer to not being so damn skinny, although eating all this food is hard..1.5kg up and 65kg overall.
@jmw4grace Keep it up! Going from 0 to 3x8 is fucking great, so keep that in mind if you can't consistently hit those numbers all the time. Just consider how much more impressed with yourself you'll be with these new short-term goals: like learning to press handstand from crow or getting those front and back levers. By that time, I hope you'll be able to share with us video footage!
@groo101 Yeah, really sticking to short term stuff..just a little more weight / just a few more seconds / one more rep..and hopefully soon, I'm going to start practising handstands against the wall next week.

Also as a longer term thing, are there any sites or sources recommended for other things to attempt..I've seen a few other posts talking about the L and V sit, planche, stuff like that..where would be best to see a whole host of those to see what I could progress to ?
where would be best to see a whole host of those to see what I could progress to ?

I know I've seen online glossaries for gymnastics skills with difficulty ratings, but I'm not sure where that is. I can update you on that as soon as I find it.

Personally, I follow people on Instagram and subscribe to a few different channels. I'm always looking at what people are doing in the streetworkout scene and figuring out how to get there myself. I am essentially learning every day what new things people are able to do with their body weight through social media.
@groo101 Ah ok, cheers man I'll try and do a search and see what I can come up with too.

And sorry if its just being a pain in the arse..what's some of the better Instagram and YouTube channels you keep an eye on.
@groo101 I moved three weeks ago, and the walls in my new apartment consist only of plaster boards, so there's no way a pullup bar could hold me. The landlord is also against a doormounted one, so I asked my dad for help. And during the christmas holidays we build this baby!
Now I can also start training with rings which arrived a few days ago in an interesting and mininmalistic packaging...
I also managed to do a few toe-to-bars, which I'm very proud of!

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