This is my one transformation after starting lifting

Yes. It takes some serious endurance and strength to get through 120 reps of weighted glute ham raises, so it's just really impressive to me.

Honestly, I was as surprised as you when I saw her workouts. They seem goddamn intense, more like circuit training on steroids than typical lifting. But it doesn't take long when you're disciplined enough to punch through each set quickly but accurately.
@dawn16 Its called a super set. Fito doesn't have an option for logging them as I am aware of. But weighted hamstring raises are my favorite work out over all. They really work out the lower back/glutes/and hammies
Jesus, how does one get to this point? I've been doing my research but just totally lost on my strength routine. I found some ok ones from but none really use any powerlifting, which seems to be the best way to get the lean muscular look I want.
I think the mantra to follow is that appearance is a consequence of fitness. To generalize... any intense fitness routine paired with a good diet will most likely result in a lean, muscular look. Sprinters are lean, gymnasts are lean, swimmers are lean, soccer players are lean, many lifters are lean, etc. etc. etc.

Some routines are better at building muscles... some are better at building endurance... you simply need to pick your main goal and pursue it. If you want to gain endurance and strength, you could focus more on circuit-training-esque routines that increase athleticism more than pure power.
Circuit training? So the be all end all of the fitness subreddits, Starting Strength, might not be for the best?
Haha! I'm not going to pretend like the Reddit fitness subs don't have an (overblown) hard-on for starting strength...

First things first, I'm not an experienced lifter. But here's my 2 cents.

I think starting strength is an awesome program... for people trying to focus on strength. Building muscle with functional strength doesn't mean you're automatically also amazing at endurance, athleticism, cardio, bodyweight skill, [insert many other fitness aspects here]. It means you're good at what you've been doing (all the main compound lifts).

Circuit training aims to build strength and endurance, and in my experience would incorporate exercises that help a certain sport. I only did them during training for rugby or soccer, and they just whoop your ass. They were mainly used for conditioning, just making sure you were still in shape (and then later to improve it) and keep up your general athleticism. It makes sense to use them for athletes, because a lot of sports are about maintaining your skill for 40+ minutes and performing well even when you're exhausted. Is it going to be as effective as building muscles? Nope. But you can never have the best of both worlds.
Well, that's what I was trying to get across in one of my previous responses... OP's look is attainable multiple ways. If I showed you photos of two women with low bodyfat (15-17%) who had (diligently and to their maximum effort) done starting strength OR OP's routine... I truly doubt you could tell a big difference. This girl did SS for less than a year and looks like the bomb.

Muscles + low bodyfat = lean, muscled look. Muscles are muscles. Low bodyfat is low bodyfat. Just pick a routine you enjoy, and then stick with it.
Got it thanks! So I like SS more because of the powerlifts and such, not a fan or machines or circuits. So I should be doing cardio on my non lifting days then, right?
@claireanneh Can you explain more about your workout? According to fitocracy you logged this:

Body Weight Lunge:
20 reps (+31 pts)
20 reps (+31 pts)
20 reps (+31 pts)
20 reps (+31 pts)
20 reps (+31 pts)
15 reps (+23 pts)
15 reps (+23 pts)

So does that mean you did a total of 160 BW lunges are once? Cause that's crazy. Or does it mean you did that many overall? New to fitocracy and not sure what I'm reading. The same for all of the other sets, are those over all or over time? What do you do for one day?
@dawn16 That means I did 20 a set, and yes all at once. Trust me it gets easier especially if you are doing weighted lunges with a barbell or weighted reverse lunges. Its also 130 too, not 160 :)
@bahamas It depends on if what I need to use is available and how packed the gym is. Usually I will superset two things at a time. So yes, its like having that muscle group rest while you hit another. For instance GHRs and close grip/wide grip pull downs.