Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

@russkie There’s nothing about his physique that screams roids imo, seems attainable through hard work and good genetics. Not saying he’s never used anything, how would I know? But what evidence do we have that he has?
@russkie Your only evidence was how big he got? Which looks possible naturally. Looking back, he was already fairly big in 2017, nothing beyond the scope of natural gains.

Are claiming his progress is impossible without gear?
@russkie 3 years during your late 20s while testosterone is ramping up and you’re a full time calisthenics athlete? Please note he was by no means small at the beginning of your 3 year window.
@chrispra58 I think it could go either way with Austin so I'd be charitable and assume he's not lying.

He seems like a genuinely good guy. Don't think he's really put in the work to understand training that well.
@johm That’s fair enough.

To be fair, a lot of people train hard and put in their effort in not the greatest of ways and still get results. Many people will be bench press with bad form for their whole lives and still have a great chest. His sort of training style doesn’t seem bad but it definitely isn’t reproduceable. Everyone’s different especially with bodyweight training imo. Slight differences in form can change everything. To be fair to him he does eat right, he trains hard. He may not be the best actual calisthenics program seller out there but at the same time this goes for even weight training. You don’t need a program to tell you how to train. The program is just there for motivation, everything is online nowadays. Whenever I hear people say they wanna bug a new program I just feel like saying ‘bro you’ve been in this game for years make one yourself and see what works’. What many people fail to realise is that the best programs are made by you. You know your strengths and weaknesses better than any person online
@chrispra58 Thing is people still need to outsource their programming to varying degrees.

Not everyone wants to put in the time to be an ex phys expert, but far more folks will put out bullshit they are not qualified to comment on.

Ask yourself, if you had an approach to training that made sense to you and got you really strong, would you be happy putting that out as a training philosophy? Because unless it comports with some very core principles, you probably shouldn't.

Man, in some parallel universe where I was a really gifted athlete, I honestly think I'd be one of these bullshitters. I've confidently believed a lot of wrong stuff before.
@johm That’s true.

As an example, things like needing to be in a caloric surplus to be able to actually build muscle is one that still confuses me. Every single fitness youtuber will claim that you should or need to be a caloric surplus to build muscle and ik this is only one persons ‘anecdotal’ evidence but Greg doucette has never officially bulked and the guy is a world record holder and amazing body builder. That isn’t the only reason I believe him but I do believe him. It’s very easy to make this claim that you need to be in one
@chrispra58 Yeah good example. Fitfluencers often need to be lean all year for their public image, so it complicates it.

I thought Greg did bulk, just not to very high BF levels? In any case im not sure he's trustworthy. Not that he lies all the time, but a fair bit of what he recommends is just made up.
@johm Uhh I’d agree to disagree. He seems like a pretty honest guy that doesn’t really have any reason to lie. He has the background to justify his claims and actually makes a lot of sense when you listen to wha he says.

Afaik, Greg has officially never bulked to get bigger. I think he said he did on one occasion but not entirely sure.

I always was confused to how my brother transformed his physique when he starting working out yet maintained his BF% all year round. He never got fat or put on fat weight, and stayed basically pretty slim and lean despite putting on crazy amounts of muscle and making gains. It’s the one thing I never liked about working out, the fact that you have to put on fat to getting mass. I have put on Moyer fat weight since working out but that’s just due to my bad eating habits and not being able to stay consistent all the time. Similarly though, I’ve made crazy gains. Friends that weight lift always have this cutting and bulking phases and imo that just seems wrong. None of them can maintain their ideal weight. Meanwhile I’m here with a good BF% and slowly increasing my muscle over time. Not bragging, I’m just saying it’s possible. I’m still smaller than most people anyway lmao
@johm It’s not necessarily what the bulk of evidence says. The point was that you can’t build muscle without a caloric surplus and I know that I’m living proof of the contrary so imo thats good enough for me.
@born2shine I thought you were exaggerating since from his videos he seemed like an okay person, but you absolutely hit the nail right on the head imo. Today I saw his 'free handstand ebook guide' he released for free. Out of curiosity I downloaded it.

Man, there's got to be a limit on how little effort someone can put into something..His fucking "guide" is literally 4 pages and 1 of them is the cover page. It teaches absolutely nothing you can't find here or on yt(ok I know its free but still). NGL, it looks like its written in less than an hour, probably just to draw traffic to his fishy-ass website.

Speaking of his website, I checked it out and it just gives off bad vibes. Like jesus it looks like one of those scam sites designed by mike chang to scam boomers into buying some easy fat burner miracle shit. Its full of reasons to buy his programs and guilt trips people who don't buy it. Something something "buy this program and I'll tack on 5 free ebooks(each valued at $70), at a grand price of $177 discounted to $77!! wow so worth!!".

Of course, I wanna say most likely his programs are not scams(probably). But I'm at least sure it probably is low effort content and anyone who buys it will regret spending 77 bucks on this shitty guides. After looking at OP's post I'm even more sure that anyone who is considering buying it should NOT. Then again, I'm just judging based on his off-putting website and "free ebook guide", I might be completely wrong who knows? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
The whole members area feels neglected

This is going to be true of every one of these paid programs. This sub is nearly at 1.5 million subscribers and even here it can be hard to have a decent discussion sometimes.

You're never going to replicate the mass of people needed for a lively community if you lock it behind a paywall.

Anyway, you should get a refund. He hasn't earned your money so get it back (either from him or your credit card company).