@ering Im in !

STATS : Male; 26yo; 1,80m; 80kg
GOAL : Walking freestanding handstand
CURRENT : Just started my fitness journey
Wish me luck !
@ering Stats: M/36/6'4"/fatter than I want to be

Goal: longer free-standing holds, whether from a kick up to the wall or a toe pull.

Stretch Goal: free standing kick up to handstand

Current Progression: decent with toe and heel pulls. When kicking up to a wall I can bounce off and hold free standing for ~15 sec with some consistency.

No video from me.
@ering I’m so happy! After having done ab exercises for the past few weeks, I decided to try the first handstand build ups (planks and hollow holds) and I did them all for over a minute! I’m really proud of myself, I didn’t think I could do that.
@ering Always great to have extra motivation! Thanks for putting this all together. :)

STATS: F/25/5'6"/~150lbs

GOALS: Hold free CTW longer. Increase hollow hold degree. Improve L side bail. Increase practice frequency.

CURRENT: Can hold supported CTW ~30-40 sec depending on energy levels. This can include 5-10 sec free hold each time, but is incredibly varied. Solid R side bail. Practice only after warm-up, before each BWF routine x3/ week.
@ering Hey, this is amazing! Coming from freerunning/gym/calisthenics background, been doing handstands on and off for a big portion of my life. Checking in for motivation to do more and reach further goals

STATS: male, 27, ~90ish kg ( ~200lbs) 10-12% BF, 191cm ( 6"3')

GOAL: Freestanding HS for 40+ secs for over 50% of attempts

ULTIMATE GOAL: Straddle press to HS (long time dream, eventually moving to pike)

CURRENT PROGRESSION: Kicking up and staying in handstand is fairly easy for most attempts for 10-20sec. When I "feel it" I can hold it for 30-70sec (70 is my current max). I'm focusing on spending more time on hands, preparing for press to handstand with core drills and general calisthenics.

FORM CHECK: coming soon

EDIT: formatting
@ering Stats: F/34/5'3" (160cm)/123lb (55.8kg)

Goal: For this month in particular, I just want to get back on my hands. I've screwed something up in my traps/T-spine that's causing a problem ranging anywhere from a pinch when I turn my head to straight up unable to move my head much at all. I am in the middle of a total upper body rest period right now. But when I get back I want to continue working on straightening my line through the shoulders and consistency of kick up.

Current progression: Freestanding Handstand. Can consistently hold 15-25s, can often hold 30-40s. Can move through some shape changes. Stick about 2/3rds of kick up attempts. Working 3x30s CTW holds, mindful kick up practice, shape changes, and overhead mobility work. Starting to work on different entries.

Most recent progress video

Here's hoping I get my shit worked out in time to really participate this month!
@ering Thanks! Yeah I am just putting a lot of focus on lower body and flexibility for now. Keeping up the gains somewhere! Maybe my pancake will be better by the time my shoulders are good to go, and then I'll be closer to a press! :D
  • STATS: Male, 19, 1m90cm, 68kg
  • GOAL: Holding the handstand for more than 10 seconds
  • current progression Chest to wall 30 seconds. Joined a gym club with my university. Will be going there once a week. I'm also trying to do handstands every day.
@ering Stats: Male, 26, 6ft, 160lb.
Goal: Freestand handstand for atleast 10 seconds!
Current Progression: Although I've done plenty of the other exercises and have a good amount of strength, I've never actually tried doing handstands before and now after seeing this post I've decided to go ahead and do it. Right now I'm at chest to wall, can hold that for a minute. I'm doing some of the toe pulls to get more comfortable without the assistance of the wall. Will get a video up soon too. Good luck to everyone else on their goals!
  • Everyone has different reasons.. I don't think most people do handstands for bodybuilding purposes... but for me personally, when I'm in a freestanding handstand.. there's no other feeling like it. It's like time literally stops when you're upside down and standing on your hands. It's such a surreal feeling. It also dramatically challenges and improves your mind body connection and proprioception (knowing where your body parts are in space) as it's quite subtle to figure out how to rebalance and stay inverted.
  • Another benefit is that it opens up an entire world of new exercises. From a handstand you can learn to enter a handstand in many ways such as straight arm press handstands in a tuck, straddle or pike. Or exit it like that or exit into a cartwheel or forward roll out. Some like to progress to one arm handstand. Some like to progress to a freestanding handstand push up (thats like one of the ultimate bodyweight exercises, now thats a shoulder press that also requires massive core strength when done with a straight body, and requires zero equipment.)
  • It's also not easy at all, but once you start getting a taste of what it's like, the journey is addicting and potentially life-long. Oh and another thing.. when one strives for a straight handstand (not a banana back), it requires the shoulders flexibility to be improved by way of Stretching the lats and stretching the hip flexors (to reduce anterior pelvic tilt) and improve core strength and improve thoracic extension (the ability to extend your upper back) if one has a kyphotic (rounded) upper back, so it actually improves posture dramatically too just by virtue of working toward a straight handstand.
@tonguesoffire Ok so they're not as mind blowing and life changing for me as they seem to be for others - but I find they're a good gauge for your shoulder flexion mobility and strength. If you can do a solid handstand with good form - they're in a good place. Also if you want to get into gymnastics, it's a fundamental position and you should be very comfortable going in and out of it and resting in it.
@ering Stats : 15 Male 174cm and 68kg.

Goals : Hold a freestanding handstand from a kickups or lunge for 5 seconds.

Current progression : Chest to wall for about 45s, lunge and kickups is inconsistently 5 second freestanding.