Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

@groo101 I was moving throughout the hold but about 6 seconds at the end of a workout. Probably around 10s if I'm fresh and do a few shots of bourbon first!
@groo101 I saw a guy doing one arm pushups in a video here 2-3 days ago, i decided to give it a try after months of almost 0 horizontal pushing, and while i'm not quite there with my left arm i was able to do one with my right arm.

Also progressed to bulgarian ring dips, 20 sec l-sit holds on rings, and gained about 2 kg, all this in about 2 weeks, after deciding "fuck it it's winter" and increasing by 350 my daily calories intake.
@groo101 Yesterday marks two weeks of bwf and diet control. I am back to what I consider my before-school baseline for strength... Next target, my before-wife baseline. Nothing to brag about yet but it's a start.
@groo101 After about three or four months of the beginner routine I'be been honestly disappointed that my pull-ups have only gone from 4/2/1 to 5/4/4. Honestly I was hoping to hit sets of six by now.

BUT, I weighted myself after my most recent workout, and I was rocking 170 lbs shoes off!! That means I've gained about 14 lbs in the last three months! That made me feel a lot better about my progress.

On the other hand, now I realize I'm gonna have to start slimming somehow. I'm packing on waaay more muscle/weight than I'd like and I think in the long run it's gonna retard my progress.
@groo101 Achievements of the week[end].
  • First time I held a handstand where I was able to consciously control my breath evenly. Earlier this week I was able to go into HS and actually manipulate between anterior and posterior pelvic tilt (hollow) back and forth consciously again.
  • Yesterday I felt my hamstring flexibility had reached new levels cause when I tried the front splits (hanumanasana) I was deeper than usual.
  • And that was confirmed today when I tried bird of paradise and I was able to straighten my leg more than ever before while staying up for a good several breaths on both sides. That was profound.
  • And this is a little one but it's important. In downward dog you want to internally rotate the lower arm and press the knuckle of the index finger firmly into the ground while externally rotating the upper arm and shoulder and spreading the scapulae wide. I've many a times tried to do this but yesterday when I tried, I was actually able to do this really well for some reason and felt the proper engagement and that support for the first time ever.
Also, I started yoga teacher training with Dan Ward last weekend. Life changer for sure.
@groo101 Only got one more exam, did 3 this week and they went well. Haven't been able to train nearly enough so I'm starting the beginner routine today. Yesterday I did a quick workout and got a PR of 11 pull ups, fast and to the chest. I should video myself and check the form. And also a wild (and sloppy!)headstand pushup appeared out of nowhere when I decided just to try.
@groo101 Yeah! I'm doing them chest to wall and can do one rep but it needs work on the form, elbows come out to the sides and my hands aren't close enough to the wall. I think I'll start putting some YT videos up so I can get a form check and look back at my progress in the future.
@groo101 Managed to improve pull-up form - the last two reps are now also chest-to-bar. Next step: 5x5. (Should I add reps to the first or last sets?)

And got an accidental pistol squat - been working my way back to them (was at 3x8 summer of 2012) and having a bear of a time with them. Sticking point is balance and power out of the hole.

Was going through my routine for my brother yesterday, and tried one - and got it! Granted, it was my strong (right) leg. And only one. And I had (needed?) arms in front to counterbalance. But: I have a pistol now!
@sajamor Congrats on the pistol! Also, is your brother going to be jumping on board the bodyweight fitness train? If so, great job getting him into it!
@groo101 Yeah, he wants to get in shape again. He lifted weights a while back, and grilled me a bit;) I've sent him here, so we'll see.

(Seated wall slides were an eye opener for sure - dat league posture :) )