Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym

@nickblack That shit is not ok. Especially for someone that should know (old and with gym experience). Maybe he felt he was entitled to something? Maybe he’s a staunch believer in 30s rest and he “just knows more than you”? Whatever. Idiotic, especially if there were other machines free.

In situations like this, I like to play a bit dumb passive aggressive. “What do you mean so long? I’m sure you don’t mean that. I’m taking a couple minutes. ☺️” “No you’re taking 10min.” “No, I’m taking 2min dw, I can see it on my phone. ☺️”. Etc. Non-cooperative but peaceful stuff. It can be more disarming. Doesn’t work with everyone tho. In any case, keep the management in the loop.
@nickblack Sounds like a troll. He tried to rule you, but failed. It happened to me in a pub in San Fransisco recently where a guy came up to me and said I could not take pictures there and was very loud. The regulars next to me just laughed. They had never seen the guy and called him a troll. When he could not dominate me, he just left
@nickblack After the first 2-3 exchanges, a "FUCK OFF!" is warranted from you to him. Report him for harassment and let management deal with it, or at least they've been informed of the guy's behavior.
@nickblack I bet he wouldn't have yelled at a guy who was working out the same machine and taking long. Its disrespectful no matter what. Just have to use a different machine until its free. Also helps that the gym has more than one machine.
@nickblack I like to give people the benefit of the doubt in these situations. Maybe he just found out his wife has cancer. Maybe something else is going on…Not that it justifies the attitude, but we never know what someone may be dealing with. We all gave bad days. If you’ve been going to the same place and been amongst the same people for a couple of years, that would be my first response.

Alternatively, maybe you have been taking longer than you realize between sets. Many people lose track of time while scrolling. Many other people do hog machines while playing on their phone, so perhaps he mistook you for one of them.

Either way, he should not have acted that way, and you shouldn’t let some strangers attitude impact your workouts, in my opinion. 😎
@nickblack Most buff guys are so nice, but some like to make use of their “power” in these ways. Hope you don’t experience things like this often tho, not much to do about it besides telling the Gym staff when it happens more often.
@nickblack The only thing I would add is you could of offered to let him work in with you. If he declines, then it’s on him. I’ve actually squared and benched with a few girls before. In a busy gym it’s important to have proper gym etiquette. Like when they’re four benches for bench press maybe do your hip thrusters elsewhere.
@loco Ya I understand that. I was doing quad extensions and there was two other quad extensions open. Just different machine types he clearly wanted the one I was on, even tho he didn’t end up using it. He didn’t even give me the chance to offer to work in. Had he not started yelling I would have realized he was waiting and finished quickly. But ya I get it.
@nickblack Fuck this Guy.Don't know what some people think.Someone tried shit like that with my gf(24) too,as soon as i was coming over(6'3 ft,242 lbs) and asking what his fuckin problem was,he was running away like a Dog.Some dudes think they are Superior against "weaker".Tell the gym staff or make eye contact with some other gym goers,many would help i think/Hope.
@nickblack Tbh it sounds like this guy is on steroids. A lot of older guys take them and it makes them really paranoid.

If he comes up to you again just record him and show management.

Older guys at the gym are the worst. They act really entitled. Don’t let them get to you. They are just extremely miserable and angry about their lives and feel the need to assert control where they can.

Gyms are a shared space. Don’t let it get to you and take your time if you need to.
@nickblack I'm convinced several problems in this country would be solved if every man over the age of 50 was required by the government to get their testosterone levels checked and supplement with TRT if it's low. Especially stuff like this.
@nickblack I would’ve told him his small dick energy is going to effect my lift negatively & require more rest between sets so he should probably get away from me immediately. But in all seriousness, report him to management & if they don’t care (I seen you say they don’t) then you should find a new gym. I’ve worked in two gyms as a trainer & have had no problem banning for this type of behavior, whether it’s towards a female or male. Everyone deserves a safe, comfortable environment to work out in!
@nickblack Don’t worry some people are losers. He probably mad cause you’re out of his league. I can’t believe a grown “man” would be like this with a woman. He’s just a loser don’t worry about it don’t let that discourage you or make you feel bad or uncomfortable. He’s the one who has a problem