BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 10

@dontdosadness I'm finding the deadbugs interesting. I'm definitely not doing them right yet since I'm struggling a bit to find the right muscles and things kept cramping when I tried to move them, but the hardest part has been counting to 10 after getting into position. It's like my brain get slowed down. I counted to a fast 6 (pretty sure I skipped #4) before I could no longer hold my breath and started coughing, but it turns out I was closer to 20 seconds. I never thought I'd consider a big wall clock as necessary home gym equipment, but here we are, lol.
@dontdosadness done! the pushups have become much easier than they were at first, and the glute bridges have gotten more intense. i think that's because i'm actually engaging stuff correctly. hooray!

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