What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

@orthogulf B12 has to be supplemented due to modern farming methods. The only reason meat eaters get b12 without supplementation is because they eat animals that were given b12 supplements. B12 is produced by a bacteria in soil, and due to heavy pesticide use our soil no longer has that bacteria. Some plant milks and cereals are fortified with b12, if you are bad at remembering to take supplements.
@foundsheep And due to the adequate cleaning of the produce we eat, which is a great trade off because we don’t get sick because our food is cleaner. So it’s great that we can just take a supplement that’s so darn cheap and easy
@foundsheep Not entirely true, it is primarily produced by bacteria in the rumen (fermentation stomach) of ruminant animals like cows or sheep - but cobalt may be supplemented to ruminants to help them with this. However the majority of B12 supplements do go to animals, especially for monogastric animals like chickens and pigs, so it's easiest for us to just take a B12 supplement regularly ourselves instead.
@blindly28 It's so hard to pick just one, but my favorite is when people think they have some special metabolism or mysterious, unnamed medical condition that requires them to eat meat and for which there are no side effects or symptoms except needing to eat meat.
@blindly28 In Germany there‘s a federal financed Youtube channel that informs about nutrition and is run by a food chemist. In their last video, they „exposed“ vegan burgers. So they showed the ones of McDonalds and Burger King and then their chemist made patties out of pea protein. In the end they said, due to the burgers being highly processed, they‘re lacking all the Vitamins, etc. That peas usually contain. Well, no shit? Now tell me how to get all those vitamins with a meat burger patty.

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