BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 14 (Final Day!)


New member

Welcome to Day 14 of the BWF Primer Build-up!​


Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14 (Today!)

Hey folks! If you've made it this far, congratulations! You've just done 2 absolutely jam packed weeks and hopefully learned a lot about some fundamental exercises and theory about training!

This is your second rest day this week, so today we'll be doing:

- Nothing,

- Some more nothing!

Today's Learning: Nothing. You've earned a break!​

Simply bask in your achievement.

Or, If you missed anything this week reading-wise, today would be the day to go back and read (or re-read!) that.

Workout #14:​

Rest Day.


Final Remarks, and What to Do Moving Forward​

So now that you've completed the 'Build-Up' phase of the Primer routine, you can move on to the normal, full capacity BWF primer.

This means now you are going to be only training 3x per week, but you'll be doing 3 sets of every exercise instead of 2, and you're finally going to start progressing to harder exercises once you reach the top rep range of an exercise!

For Clarity, this means your training days will look like this:

Birddog Progression
3x6-10 reps each side (or 3x10-20s for Static holds)
Deadbug Progression
3x6-10 reps each side (or 3x10-20s for Static holds)
Push-up Progression
Rows (Or Reverse Push-ups ) Progression
Squat Progression
Glute Bridge Progression

With the rep ranges (e.g. 3x5-12) meaning you start your first session with the first number (e.g. 5 reps) and every session you will try to increase that by one rep (or 2-3s), until you get to the second number (e.g. 12) at which point you will move up in progression to a harder exercise, and start back at 5 reps again!

This will be performed 3x a week rather than 6x a week, so if you want examples of what schedule that may look like, go back and look at Day 7 when we covered this very topic!

To read the full details of the program, go back to the main Primer Page of the wiki!


Heres to a year of getting and staying fit, and taking care of ourselves.


@dontdosadness Days 1-14 done, and I'm still here. This is the first time in my life I've followed through with an exercise routine. It feels awesome.

I wanted to say a huge thanks for the incredibly high quality content and all the work behind this. It was so easy to follow and I learned tons! Especially appreciated all the background knowledge and thoroughness in the deadbug and birddog guides.
@dontdosadness One last reminder since this is the last post.

Nick-E did all this by himself. If you appreciate his work and you can (financially) support his work. Head over to and subscribe for the exercise library. It's only 5£/month and it has awesome rehab/prehab and mobility exercises, and Brand new Members' Strength Exercises section
You also get access to His private discord server.

Think about it. :)

Edit: He's also a coach If you're intrested in hiring one...
@dontdosadness I apologize if this has been discussed to death (not been checking this subreddit since around New Years), but is it true that we're expecting a new version of the Recommended Routine and/or a new pathway for different levels?
@lilbrenda Yes but not absolutely any time soon. The last full month of working for the majority of every single day getting this primer finished has absolutely destroyed my healthy life habits, and taken more than a bit of a toll on my physical/mental health. Have probably put around 175-200 hours of work into it by now since the 18th December announcement lol.

Needless to say I slightly underestimated the sheer volume of work required to create, finalize and LAUNCH a program for mass public consumption, that is readable and understandable by even the most lay of laypeople. Haha. But I wasn't about to just stop halfway through when I realised this and the burnout was setting in, because I don't like half assing things/quitting before I finish a project.

So I'm gonna have to take a bit of a break to get other things sorted (like master's degree applications, working on things that actually help me afford food and rent, getting back into a normal cycle of healthy habits ,eating, training, etc.) before I can make any significant headway on the BWF Foundation Routine (the new RR)
@lilbrenda The BWF Primer was not (though it was of course discussed and approved by the other mods), I can't currently speak to whether the future routines will be either, but they may be!

Even if they don't end up being collaborative, while it'll take some time for me to get them all done, they'll come out eventually!
@dontdosadness Hi Nick! Thank you so much for all the work you put into the primer build-up, it has been beginner-friendly and fun! I'm wondering if the primer routine is just what is outlined above? Or are you planning to create a new wiki/proram for the primer routine itself? Thank you!