@dontdosadness I have been suffering from sciatica for a few months, and stopped working out because of it. I'm using this build up to make sure I don't reiterate the issue (pyriformis syndrome) as I start exercising again. I surfed the internet to find that glute bridges usually will not cause a problem, and can actually help it. However I haven't been able o find much info on squats. Any important things to focus on when squatting after recovering from pyriformis syndrome, or should I avoid squatting all together until the pain is completely gone?
@dontdosadness @captainnachos thanks for such an awesome primer. I’m having issues loading the squat guide from your site, getting “file not found”. Thanks!
@dontdosadness If I am pretty severely bowlegged (my feet point outward when I am standing normally), should I still try to follow the same guidelines on foot turnout, or is it ok to adjust that for my body? Keeping my feet turned out in that 10-15 degree range feels really unnatural for me.
@jennifarmer if you had to go back to inclined push ups on your last set today you should probably only be doing inverted push ups. You should never be coming close to failing at whatever inclination you are at according to nick and if you are you shouldn't be at that inclination. Pushing yourself hard will come after the 2 weeks
@dontdosadness Hi! I’m able to get my squats pretty close but not quite as far down as the examples showed without raising my heels. Should I work on my mobility to get all the way down before moving on?
@dontdosadness Oh yeah, with squats, I definitely feel constrained by my hip and ankle mobility! Can't get as low as Nick-E in the videos, but I'll do it as low as I can. My left knee clicks when I squat, I'll take it slow and see how that'll change.
Also, doing 11 incline push-ups in a row is a great feeling!
@dontdosadness Just got to say 8 and realized that I hadn’t written anything yet. Thanks for this and giving me the kick in the pants to start something good for me
@dontdosadness Completed day 8 here. I realized after the squats and glute bridges my thighs were shaking really bad when doing push-ups. I'm not sure why. Anyone else experiencing the same problem?
@dontdosadness day 8 check in, definitely need to improve my form on squats. Was also pushing myself too much on push ups i think, had a really hard time completing both sets