BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 9

@dontdosadness Update to grip hurting with bedsheet-rows:
The hands still hurt a lot. But I'm hussling through. Learning to not grip too hard helped and being properly hydrated before workout helped too.
@lewis5398 Oh man, this is really embarrassing now. I actually forgot that you recommended these things. Had a lot going on and I guess it just got phased out of my memory somehow.
I don't really know how the knots would work as my sheets ain't extremely long but I will definitely try the wrapping method. Thank you for reminding me. 😅
@lewis5398 Thank you! Didn't expect the nice words at the end but even coming from someone I don't even know it means a lot. You made my day a little better. :)
@dontdosadness Yesss day 9 is done. Had to switch over to doing this in the morning today since I won't be home until late tonight and I really don't want to break up this streak!
@dontdosadness Day 9 done. Curious about the rep scheme, is the drop to 2 sets rather than 3 really just a timing thing because that's about 7 - 9 minutes off the work out (with 6 exercises). On Day 6 we did 30 push ups and at 2 sets per, we won't go past 24. Is this volume really just geared for a basic/primer version of a body weight routine? And as one progresses, they'd increase volume, say after 6ish months? Thanks for the knowledge!
@dontdosadness Did it. Tried going to floor push-ups since the table feels too high. I got through, but it's not the right intensity level yet. I might have to do these on the porch stairs or something.

A question for anyone who knows: does wrist orientation matter for rows? If I move from the bedsheet method (thumbs-up orientation) to under the table method (palms down), does it matter? Or am I doing bedsheet rows wrong?