BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 11

@dontdosadness I am doing something wrong or deadbug is an easy exercise, I checked by touching my abs and they were contracted so I don’t know. I think I have lower body strength genetically but have less upper body strength maybe that is why.
@dawn16 your abs shouldn't be contracted lol. but most people can't do it without contracting their abs, so you're good. Just go over the guide again to understand it better and pick up the pieces that you might have not noticed.

@nirojmagar I suppose it can't be set up any lower that the top of the door. a bedsheet around it or long pillow case wil work just fine.

If you want to invest in your future, you should totally buy a pair of rings.
@dontdosadness Another day dome! Didn’t feel the deadbugs as much today as yesterday, but they’ll come along. Ordering gymnast rings in a few days, can’t wait to do rows with a proper grip
@dontdosadness Aaand done! One day too late but better late than never.
The sheet wrapping method didn't really improve the grip-issues, feel like it didnt change anything exept the height tbh. Will probably just stick to a normal grab till I get enough money for pullup bar/ rings combo. :)
@dontdosadness Thanks for this, it seems so logical when you see do an exercise match it with a counter exercise to keep things in balance. I knew my chest muscles were way stronger then my back but I never took the time to build it up. Right now I really feel a more balanced shoulder posture!
@dontdosadness Done. I think understand Deadbugs now but I'm still iffy on them. Might have to progress to a harder form of rows. They're not that hard to me anymore. I love pushups now lol. They're a great balance of difficulty and satisfaction.
@dontdosadness Did it. Definitely did better with the dead bugs today once I was mindful of keeping my lower back closer to the ground. Still going to take some practice to make sure I'm engaging everything in supposed to, but I feel much closer than yesterday.