BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 14 (Final Day!)

@dontdosadness Can we split the workout?
If it's chest, legs and core workout can we split them i.e chest in the morn, leg at noon and core in the evening? Or chest in the morning and legs and core in the evening?

I'm asking cause I had difficulty doing pushups against a counter as it put so much pressure on my middle wrist and rows were impossible. I live in a dorm so I don't have many options and trust me I tried everything.
1. The Bedsheets against door - the doors are opposite the cupboards so I can't extend my hands
2. Chair/Table - the tables are against walls and have and iron area beneath it so it's not comfortable to get under them + they're light and almost flipped on me. The chairs have casters so yeahh
3. Rings - even if I got them no where to place them

I recently found out there's a Calisthenics Park 5min walk away which would be great for pushups and rows but not the other workouts cause its uses sand as a cushion. So I'd have to run out fo the chest exercises, then run back home and do the rest.

So back to my question, can we split the workouts?
@dontdosadness Done. Thank you so much for the detailed descriptions and introduction to concepts. I'm not new to weight training, but I haven't studied it either. Learning really good form and coupling of exercises was really nice, and I feel I have good grounds to continue with the progressions.

I will do a split upper/lower program and using some kettlebells for higher repetition practices as warmup. The split is mainly because I feel much better when exercising every day. I'm looking forward to graduating the primer and go further, but I'm still on incline pushups!
@dontdosadness Thank you so so much por this splendid series. It really helped me a lot to learn some theory behind the practice. I just wanna point out that it took about a month to finish it (because of my personal issues with commitment and procrastination) but I'll stick to this routine until I can do the push ups on the floor. Claps for you man.
@dontdosadness Day 14: Done!

Can't believe I've made it this far. For years I've been trying to start (and keep) exercising, but only ever made it 2-3 days in before giving up.

It wasn't perfect, sure, I've had two or three more rest days than I was supposed to, but I did it, eventually, and I have to say that I'm proud as hell.

Thank you so much for your work, dude. Life-changing, and I really mean it.
@dontdosadness Day 14 Done, and I'm still here, I didn't skip any excercises, that's something that never happened before, welp, all I have to do is wait for tomorrow to come to start the real deal!!