BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 9

@dontdosadness Completed although I had to pause during the second push-up set again. Going to try and practice the breathing part for deadbugs tonight so I can make sure I get I right tomorrow.
@dontdosadness Been following along, but had to stop for a few days because of reasons. Now, three days later, I don't feel like I'm doing such a great job like before, but will keep at it as best I can.
@dontdosadness Quick check-in. Things are going well. The flute bridges feel like I’m doing nothing…. I know that’s not the aim of the primer but I feel no burn at all. I did run for many years and did Muay thai so maybe that’s why? Looking forward to tomorrow.
@dontdosadness Since adding in the squats yesterday, I feel like my form for all of the exercises has deteriorated. I get a bit wobbly on the glute bridges, and by the time I get to push-ups I can't seem to keep my core engaged, and my back keeps arching. I see in another comment you mentioned that you ordered them from newest to oldest so we'd have the most brain power on the unfamiliar moves, but I think tomorrow I'm going to push squats to the end to see if that'll help things.

Next day update: Doing the other exercises first definitely made a difference, but the deadbugs left me so sore that I couldn't finish the routine since my entire midsection was hurting.